Donald Trump leap of faith setting investors up for a fall

Can I get a witness? Disillusioned with central bank policies, investors want to believe Donald Trump will spur growth ...
Can I get a witness? Disillusioned with central bank policies, investors want to believe Donald Trump will spur growth in the world's largest economy. Evan Vucci

After steadily losing confidence in monetary policy in recent years, investors have jumped at the opportunity to believe in something new.

The former messiahs, central bankers, have lost their halo. Global monetary policy remains incredibly accommodative – at 1.5 per cent, our cash rate is the lowest ever, and the US managed to lift rates this week to only half that. Yet most believe, rightly or wrongly, that the monetary magicians have performed their last miracle. This is clear from the number of news reports questioning monetary effectiveness which, as the chart shows, has rocketed over the past year or two.

This has left investors with a crisis of faith. Who will backstop economic growth and asset prices? The new hope that has gripped investors is, of course, soon-to-be US president Donald Trump. Not just the man, who most would agree is a most unreliable fellow, but his promised stimulatory agenda of big spending and tax cuts. And at face value, those policies are indeed stimulatory.

Using US Congressional Budget Office estimates, analysts at the BlackRock Investment Institute calculate that Trump's spending and tax cut agenda could lift GDP over the coming decade by anywhere between 3 per cent and 23 per cent. So yes, stimulatory. But it's an incredible range of outcomes, which is due in no small degree to the fact that the former reality TV star's policy agenda is extremely vague.

It's not just the everyday investors who are getting religion. Trump and his growth agenda may have been the "x" factor that shifted the median Fed board member to bump up the number of rate hikes they expect in 2017 to three from two.

"All the FOMC participants recognise that there is considerable uncertainty about how economic policies may change, and what effect they may have on the economy," Fed chair Janet Yellen said at the post-meeting press conference early Thursday morning, Australian time. Maybe future policy actions didn't have much of an effect on the board's GDP forecasts, but Yellen had to concede that some members had apparently factored a Trump fiscal package into their rate-policy projections anyway.

The good news is the large bulk of this stimulus, as calculated by BlackRock, comes through the most do-able policy: tax cuts. In fact almost all of it over the 10-year horizon. Which is lucky, because a big lift in infrastructure spending faces a Republican party still ostensibly opposed to ramping up the already large US government debt pile. And even if Trump does manage to flex his mandate and get spending bills through, whether or not that money would be spent on worthwhile projects and the timeframe around their commencement is a massive question mark.

But that's just the "good" policy stuff. Where things are even less clear (threats of tariffs of varying levels of severity and talk of mass expulsion of illegal immigrants in the US), investors' responses thus far have been to hope that it won't be that bad.

It's not baseless hope. Consider this: 70 per cent of the goods on Walmart shelves come from China. And 100 million Americans visit every week, according to Bank of America-Merrill Lynch. Jacking up tariffs on Chinese imports also jacks up the prices of many goods bought for many everyday Americans. It's hard to believe that a populist president would pursue such a potentially unpopular move. Still, who knows?

Global growth is going through a strong patch. Measures of manufacturing activity are lifting around the world. US inflation has been firming all year, and China looks steady. Commodity prices are higher. All this is positive.

The worry, of course, is that markets have got way ahead of themselves. Wall St is hitting new highs every other day. Bonds are being dumped and the US dollar is at 14-year highs against a basket of currencies. A measure of short-term momentum in the Dow Jones index hit a two-decade high this week. Corporate credit spreads, which signal growing worries around company profitability when they widen, have instead tightened.

In fact, Societe Generale's head of credit research Guy Stear reckons the disconnect between credit spreads and policy uncertainty is "the most worrying chart" he knows. Reproduced here, this chart shows that between 2008 and 2011, the correlation between economic policy uncertainty and credit spreads was very close. As uncertainty rose, so did spreads. Normally markets hate uncertainty – it's almost axiomatic. But something different is happening now.

"The EPU index is up at all-time highs, but spreads are at the median levels of the period going back to 2008," Stear writes. "The chart implies that given the current level of economic policy uncertainty, global spreads should be twice as wide."

That gap between uncertainty and reality is a measure of investors' new-found faith in a higher, stimulatory power. Most of us want to believe.

"Equity investors love to be optimistic," State Street Global Advisor fund manager Olivia Engel told The Australian Financial Review this week. "There's been this element of crisis fatigue where people are sick of being bearish on the whole market for the last couple of years."

Engel worries that the market has run too far. She thinks the longer-term trajectory looks positive, but will be a matter of two steps forward, one step back.

Let's hope that the markets are right, and that real growth does indeed pick up as the moves in asset prices imply. Because, if not, as Charles Gave of GaveKal Capital puts it, "markets may be approaching a very interesting turning point indeed".