Syria: Aleppo evacuation suspended as gunfire and militias halt convoy

Syria: Aleppo evacuation suspended as gunfire and militias halt convoy

Beirut: The evacuation of the last opposition-held areas of the Syrian city of Aleppo was suspended on Friday after pro-government militias demanded that wounded people should also be brought out of two Shi'ite villages being besieged by rebel fighters.

The operation will only resume once injured people are let out of the villages of al-Foua and Kefraya in Idlib province, a Syrian official told Reuters.

The second day of the operation to take fighters and civilians out of Aleppo's rebel enclave ground to a halt amid recriminations from all sides after a morning that had seen the pace of the operation pick up.

The painstaking evacuation had earlier been halted after a burst of gunfire hit the convoy of buses and ambulances leaving the city under a Russian and Turkish deal.

A convoy including buses and ambulances waits at a crossing point to evacuate civilians trying to flee Aleppo last week.

A convoy including buses and ambulances waits at a crossing point to evacuate civilians trying to flee Aleppo last week.Credit:Getty Images

There were competing claims over who was behind the attack, with Syrian government TV blaming rebels, while the rebels maintained it was government-allied militia men.

Witnesses near the evacuation point in the Syrian city said they heard at least one explosion.

The World Health Organisation, the Red Cross and the Red Crescent said they were told the leave the area.

Media affiliated with the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, an ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad, also reported that protesters had blocked buses from leaving Aleppo when al-Foua and Kefraya were not being evacuated as part of the deal.

Smoke rises in east Aleppo.

Smoke rises in east Aleppo.Credit:AP

Yaser Kor, an Aleppo local council member, said over Skype that about 8000 people have been evacuated so far, but many more are believed to remain in the few square miles of the shattered enclave of the rebels' holdings in Aleppo.

Kor said he left in a private vehicle, a Hyundai, as part of a convoy this morning that included both civilians and rebels.

Green government buses carry residents evacuating from eastern Aleppo.

Green government buses carry residents evacuating from eastern Aleppo.Credit:SANA

"It was horrible. It took us more than eight hours to leave. We got to the gathering point at midnight last night and we only made out after 8 hours after holdups by the regime. It was terrifying," he said.

Thursday's evacuation was also delayed when bullets struck the convoy but it eventually resumed.

Residents gather near a green government bus for evacuation from eastern Aleppo.

Residents gather near a green government bus for evacuation from eastern Aleppo.Credit:SANA

On Thursday, aerial video from eastern Aleppo – a part of the northern metropolis captured by the rebels in 2012 – showed lines of green school buses stretching through the remains of once-crowded streets.

In images posted to social media, families huddled in near-freezing cold as they waited for rescue at pickup points.

Some families burned heirlooms rather than leave them for pro-government forces.

Others left graffiti messages of anger, sorrow and even hope of returning.

Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak said Friday that the buses are headed to a safe zone under control of the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army in the rebel-controlled province of Idlib.

He said that between 80,000 and 100,000 people will eventually be moved to this area near the border, according to the Associated Press.

Pro-Assad forces pushed rebel fighters into a sliver of territory during a relentless month-long offensive.

Although Aleppo's evacuation will not halt the fighting in Syria, it marks a huge blow – tactically and symbolically – to rebel groups staring down the barrel of defeat.

The city now falls to the control of Syrian government forces – aided by Russia and Shiite militias backed by Iran – handing the biggest prize of the conflict to Assad.

On Thursday, Assad hailed their victory as "the writing of history".

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday called the Syrian military offensive in the eastern districts of Aleppo "unconditionally successful" and said the recapture of the city would overshadow the "symbolic" loss of the ancient city of Palmyra to the Islamic State last week.

"The question of Palmyra, it seems to me, is clearly symbolic," he said in public remarks during a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo. "In terms of military and political significance, Aleppo is certainly a far more important issue."

Friday's remarks were Putin's first public reckoning with a surprise Islamic State offensive that retook Palmyra on Sunday.


It was a gut punch for the Kremlin and Assad, who had presented the city's capture in March as an important victory for civilisation. The Kremlin even flew a symphony orchestra to play the city's stone amphitheatre.

Washington Post, Reuters