

Cuba wants to pay off some of its Cold War debt in rum

According to authorities in the Czech Republic, the government of Cuba has proposed resolving a Cold War-era debt by paying the Czechs in a treasured Cuban commodity: rum.

On Thursday, Czech Finance Ministry spokesman Michal Zurovec said Cuban officials had offered paying back $US276 million ($A375 million) in the form of rum, reported the Associated Press. The debt dates back to when both Cuba and then-Czechoslovakia were firmly within the Soviet geopolitical orbit.

Zurovec said his government is weighing the offer, but would prefer at least partial repayment in cash.

Cuba, a communist isle stifled for decades by a US embargo, is saddled by a tremendous amount of external debt – measured at the end of 2014 to be about $US24.7 billion, or 31 per cent of the country's GDP. In the 1970s and 1980s, Cuba took out development loans from private, non-US banks and then defaulted in 1986.

In recent years, it managed to reach agreements over debt forgiveness from a string of major countries, including Japan, Mexico and Russia, which wrote off $US32 billion in Soviet-era debt in 2014. Last year, a group of 14 nations, mostly wealthy European countries, jointly decided to give Cuba "extraordinary debt relief," forgiving some $US8.5 billion in debt while restructuring the repayment of some remaining $US2.6 billion over the next 18 years.

This week, the European Union normalised relations with Cuba, opening up the way for further foreign economic investment in the Caribbean nation.

With thousands of independent claims lodged in US courts, the Justice Department says Cuba owes at least $US1.9 billion as a result of its nationalising of American-owned businesses and expropriating of US-owned property in the wake of the communist takeover under Fidel Castro in 1959 – a figure closer to $US8 billion, once interest is factored in. The Cubans counter that the United States owes Havana "billions of dollars" for its embargo and strangling of the Cuban economy.

If the Czech Republic accept Cuba's offer of $US276 million worth of rum, it would be rolling in the booze for decades to come. According to the AP, the Czechs import about $US2 million of Cuban rum every year.

Washington Post