Welcome to CAAB

You will find the latest information and some data from our previous website on all matters concerning US bases and in particular the issue of the US Missile Defense system. We are still working on some of the pages so we ask for your patience please. Click on the SITE MAP for a listing of all the pages. There is a lot of interesting information/articles listed- we particularly would like to draw your attention to the CAAB Reports and Photo and video pages. We suggest this is checked regularly as the site is updated frequently.

Stop Press: About this website!

This website is to be redesigned. We have been in discussion with NETUXO LTD for sometime now having given a lot of thought to the look, content and how easy it must be to navigate the website. It will be clear and clean looking and much better than this!
We ask you to be patient as it won’t be up and running until later this year.

In the meantime we will post items now and again.
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Click the panel above to read/download the Latest edition of CAAB News
Click here for earlier copies of CAAB News including the 2016 Special Edition.


On 8 March this year at the weekly Tuesday pm demonstration at NSA Menwith Hill (started in 2000 and now in its sixteenth year), Lindis Percy was arrested under section 35 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 – use of Dispersal Powers. She was demonstrating in the way previously agreed with North Yorkshire Police (NYP) and the Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) and implemented over the previous two years. She was later charged and bail conditions were imposed. On 15 April, she was arrested and charged again under the same Act.
This was the first time this law had been used by the NYP and the MDP at Menwith Hill and represented a betrayal of the trust built up over the previous three years, following eight years of struggle. Read on …


Magistrates’ Finding of Fact 15 September 2016

“We have been asked to make a finding of fact as to whether or not the land immediately in front of the main gate and up to the yellow line is a public place.” Read more …

There appears to have been a decision not to enforce the bye laws. The fact remains that they are still in force. Anyone who was aware of the bye laws would be on notice that to enter the area would be an offence. The bye laws make it clear that the class of person who is entitled to enter that area is restricted.
We therefore conclude that the area is not a public place.


Keep Space for Peace Week Yorkshire Event 2016

Date: Tuesday 4th October 2016
Time: 6pm to 7.30pm
Place: Main Gates of NSA Menwith Hill, just off the A59 between Harrogate and Skipton.

Speakers: Professor Dave Webb and 3 hibakusha (Japanese atomic bomb survivors)
Music by Catherine
Arrangements by CAAB and Yorkshire CND

All welcome.

Share your ideas and concerns with others seeking to keep Space for Peace.

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Menwith Menace: Britain’s Complicity In Saudi Arabia’s Terror Campaign Against Yemen

by Media Lens : September 13th, 2016

The ‘mainstream’ Western media is, almost by definition, the last place to consult for honest reporting of Western crimes. Consider the appalling case of Yemen which is consumed by war and an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe.

Since March 2015, a ‘coalition’ of Sunni Arab states led by Saudi Arabia, and supported by the US, Britain and France, has been dropping bombs on neighbouring Yemen. The scale of the bombing is indicated in a recent article by Felicity Arbuthnot – in one year, 330,000 homes, 648 mosques, 630 schools and institutes, and 250 health facilities were destroyed or damaged. The stated aim of Saudi Arabia’s devastating assault on Yemen is to reinstate the Yemeni president, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, and to hold back Houthi rebels who are allied with the former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh. The Saudis assert that the Houthis, who control Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, are ‘proxies’ for Iran: always a convenient propaganda claim to elicit Western backing and ‘justify’ intervention. …

Read on: dissisentvoive.org

Click the above image to read The Intercept’s recent article about Menwith Hill.

Declaration Day at Menwith Hill

What happened on Saturday 2nd July 2016

Some pictures from the event

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos highlighted the danger of US bases in Britain

Activists storm US military base in Yorkshire

PressTV July 4th 2016

British activists have stormed an American military base in Yorkshire, continuing decades-long calls for its closure.

Just like the past three decades, peace activists from all over Britain gathered outside the Menwith Hill intelligence-gathering center on the outskirts of Harrogate over the weekend, the British daily Morning Star reported Monday.

“US military bases in Britain are jeopardizing the safety and security of the British public as they are threatening Russia and helping to cause carnage in the Middle East,” said Marcus Papadopoulos, an activist with the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB), which organized the event. ….

Read more: http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/07/04/473555/Corbyn-UK-US-military-rally-Menwith-Hill

Peace Activists Rally At US Military Base

Morning Star July 4th 2016

Demonstrators mark Independence From America Day

ACTIVISTS staged a peaceful demonstration outside a US military base in Yorkshire at the weekend demanding its closure while praising Jeremy Corbyn as Britain’s best hope for peace.

Menwith Hill, an intelligence-gathering centre on moorland outside Harrogate, is staffed by more than 1,000 US military and civilian personnel and guarded by British Ministry of Defence police.

Inside its boundaries are dozens of satellite dishes gathering military, political and economic material which is fed to the US.

Peace activists have been campaigning for its closure for more than three decades, staging a demonstration at the base each year on the Saturday closest to July 4 — US Independence Day.

This year the protest was dubbed Independence From America Day.

Former Labour MEP and European Parliament whip Michael McGowan made a powerful speech in defence of embattled party leader Mr Corbyn. …

Read more: https://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-336d-Peace-activists-rally-at-US-military-base


Organised by Yorkshire CND

Click this image to download a flyer

Weekly Tuesday Demonstrations at Menwith Hill
This is the first of a new series of videos about CAAB.Dr Martin Schweiger tells us why he comes regularly to the weekly Tuesday evening (6pm – 8pm) demonstrations – organised by the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases – outside the main entrance to ‘RAF’ Menwith Hill near Harrogate, North Yorkshire.Produced and directed by Mark Spark (Blackrock productions).

The American base at Menwith Hill, North Yorkshire UK
This, the second of a series of videos about CAAB, covers detailed information about the US base at Menwith Hill.The first video can be seen above.Produced and directed by Mark Spark (Blackrock productions).

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”Margaret Mead