
James Massola

James Massola is chief political reporter in the Canberra bureau. He was a Walkley finalist in 2015 and has worked in the federal press gallery for eight years, including stints for The Australian Financial Review and The Australian before joining the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten are both trying to come to grips with the fact that ...

How to be an outsider when you're already an insider

When people switch on the television news, or open a newspaper or website, invariably the story of the day in federal politics is reported as one politician besting the other, or putting the other in his or her place.

Prime MInister Malcolm Turnbull and US President Barack Obama speak the same language, politically.

When Malcolm meets Barack

Defence and security policy will be revisited but if we are to emulate US dynamism we have to boost creativity and set our sights high.