
She overdosed on heroin in a Richmond toilet. Would a safe injecting room have saved her?

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Ms A overdosed in a Hungry Jack's toilet in north Richmond. A needle and a spoon were beside her.

That Sunday lunchtime, on May 29, was the end of a decade-long battle with heroin addiction.

She was a 34-year-old mother.

On Wednesday, her death took on new meaning. It became the subject of a coronial inquest that will again raise a politically sensitive and emotive issue: should a supervised heroin injecting room be funded in the area near Victoria Street to reduce the incidence of fatal overdoses?

Coroner Jacqui Hawkins, who has suppressed Ms A's name, heard during the inquest that deaths from heroin overdoses had reached levels not seen since the late 1990s, and that north Richmond was at the epicentre of the problem.

All the submissions made to Coroner Hawkins prior to the inquest supported or were neutral about a supervised heroin injecting room.


A submission from a local residents group was in favour, while a Victoria Police submission did not make comment on an injecting room, the court heard.

Jeremy Dwyer, the acting manager of the Coroners Prevention Unit, said Ms A had survived an overdose three weeks before her death.

She had contact with police 35 times since 2007, and was most recently charged last year, when she was found to have committed property and drug-related offences.

On most occasions that she was spoken to by police, Ms A was under the influence of drugs, carrying drug paraphernalia, or both.

Dr Dwyer said Ms A tried to overcome her addiction, but traumatic events, such as the removal of her children by the Department of Human Services, and a history of family violence, repeatedly set her back.

There were 172 heroin overdose deaths in Victoria last year, 34 of which occurred in the City of Yarra, or could be linked to heroin purchased in the council area.

The City of Yarra figure was considered to be conservative, Dr Dwyer said.

Those who died had an average age of 41, and 75 per cent had a 10-year, or greater, history of drug dependence.

Demos Krouskos, the chief executive of North Richmond Community Health, said his service was the ideal model in which to create a supervised heroin injecting room.

The centre is based near large public housing towers in Lennox Street and already offers many services - including a needle exchange program whereby 70,000 syringes are provided a month - which engage with intravenous drug users.

Expanding the building site would provide space for the room as well as accompanying services needed to provide holistic support for users, he said.

Mr Krouskos said the need for an injecting room was clear for both its  public health benefits and the impact it would have on those who live and work in the area.

A multi-storey carpark near the centre and Richmond West Primary School is frequently used by drug users, and Mr Krouskos and his staff have regularly been the first responders to overdoses, including some which were fatal.

"It's highly traumatising ... I can't think of any area in Melbourne where that sort of activity occurs," Mr Krouskos said.

"At the moment our concern is making sure people don't die. That's about all we can do."

Coroner Hawkins also heard evidence from representatives of the Burnet Institute, the Yarra Drug and Health Forum, the only supervised injecting room in Australia, which is in Sydney's Kings Cross, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

Several of those who gave evidence agreed that Ms A would probably still be alive if she had overdosed in a safe injecting room, rather than in a toilet.

Only Judith Abbott, the Health Department's director of prevention, population, primary and community health, did not offer support for a supervised injecting room in the Richmond area.

Ms Abbott said it was not the role of public servants to express a view on policy, but confirmed that a supervised injection room was not a government priority.