
Logan councillor Stacey McIntosh on fraud charge

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A south-east Queensland councillor has been charged and stood down after allegedly defrauding a Brisbane business of more than $180,000.

Police allege Logan City Division 6 councillor Stacey Lee McIntosh, 34, stole more than $180,000 from an engineering company in Coopers Plains between June 2014 and July 2016.

She was charged on Thursday with one count of stealing as a servant.

The first-term councillor allegedly redirected client invoices and unauthorised refunds to her own accounts.

The charges came after a five-month investigation by the Queensland Police Service's Fraud and Cyber Crime Group.

A Logan City Council spokeswoman said the Queensland Police Service had notified the council of "charges relating to fraud, against a current councillor" and Cr McIntosh had been stood down from her position.


"Logan City Council has strict and transparent policies governing financial transactions and councillor conduct," she said.

"While the councillor is entitled to the presumption of innocence, in the matter of public interest, the councillor has been requested to stand down from participating in council matters and the councillor has agreed.

"As the former councillor for Division 6, mayor Luke Smith will immediately oversee the duties of this division until the new year and more permanent arrangements are in place."

The spokeswoman said Logan City Council took integrity issues "very seriously".

"As a result of the charges and without inferring any adverse conduct, council is conducting a review of matters to ensure the interests of council and the people of Logan are protected," she said.

"The CEO of the (Local Government Association of Queensland) has been informed and the Deputy Premier's office will also be notified."

Ms McIntosh is due to appear in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on January 10.