Thursday, December 15, 2016

Havasupai at federal court to stop uranium mining in Grand Canyon

Photo by Ian Zabarte, Western Shoshone, San Francisco Federal Court Today.
Havasupai Delegation to Federal Court to Stop Uranium Mine. Photo by Ian Zabarte.

Havasupai Nation and environmental groups are arguing before federal judges in San Francisco, California, to protect the Grand Canyon, sacred sites, and precious water from toxic uranium mining.

By Klee Benally, Dine'
Havasupai Delegation Photo by Ian Zabarte, Western Shoshone
Censored News

Today, lawyers for the Havasupai Nation and environmental groups are arguing before federal judges in San Francisco, California in an attempt to protect the Grand Canyon, sacred sites, and precious water from toxic uranium mining.
If Energy Fuel's Canyon Mine is not stopped, millions of tons of highly radioactive ore will be transported hundreds of miles through Northern Arizona to White Mesa Mill in Utah.
Are we going to let our future be poisoned for thousands of generations by this greedy corporation? We say, “Haul no!”

Read about the issue and our effort here:

Join the effort and pledge to resist Canyon Mine.
Spread the word: #StopCanyonMine #HaulNo#GrandCanyon

Secret recording reveals Dakota Access Pipeline stalled until spring, investors worried

Photos by Rob Wilson
Photos of Standing Rock Water Protectors Attacked by 
Militarized Police Protecting Private Pipeline
Secret recording reveals Dakota Access Pipeline stalled until spring, investors worried
Artilcle by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Audio shared by Shaun King

A secret recording of a meeting which appears to be Energy Transfer Partners, reveals the Chief Operating Officer attempting to assure investors that Dakota Access Pipeline will be completed, but not on time. While blaming the Obama administration for delays, the speaker says this will change when Donald Trump takes office.
Although the authenticity of the secret recording can not be verified, and similar statements can be found in other places, the recording reveals that the delays are costing DAPL money and resulting in worried investors over the loss of profits.
The speaker says the pipeline is stalled, but when Donald Trump takes office as President, he is expected to issue the permit.
While stating that the pipeline drilling is not completed on federal land, and under Lake Oahe, the speaker says the project is expected to be finished in the spring.
The speaker says DAPL gained a monopoly on the pipeline because of its shipping contracts. The Dakota crude oil is bound for overseas markets, and not domestic use.
Shaun King said on Tuesday that he received this audio from a person who claimed to be in a corporate meeting about Energy Transfer Partners, the company in charge of building the Dakota Access Pipeline.
“It appears to be authentic," King said.
“I am told the person speaking here is Matthew Ramsey, the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Energy Transfer Partners, and that the recording was made earlier today," King said on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016.
King said pay attention to what happens at 6:30 into the audio.
Election night changed everything," says the voice on the audio. "We're going through a transition where we will have a new President of the United States. And he gets it. We fully expect as soon as he is inaugurated his team is going to move to get the final approvals done and DAPL will cross the lake."

In Standing Rock in North Dakota, Native Americans and their supporters have been shot by rubber bullets, maced and pepper sprayed, blasted with water cannons in freezing temperatures, and attacked by vicious dogs of Dakota Access Pipeline security.
One young Native woman now risks losing her eye after being struck with a police projectile. Doctors are trying to save the arm of a young woman from New York struck with a concussion grenade during the peaceful blockade.
North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple and Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier have criminalized law enforcement and continue to recklessly endanger lives.
Over 550 water protectors have been arrested. A class action lawsuit has been filed against police for excessive force.
Many water protectors have been bloodied by rubber bullets and strip-searched and jailed in inhumane "dog kennels" by Morton County, with numbers written on their arms as was done by Nazis.
Native American elders were dragged from ceremonies and not provided sufficient food, water, and medicine in jail after being strip-searched.
Currently, hundreds of water protectors in Standing Rock Camps are bracing against blizzards and temperatures which will drop to minus 25 degrees this weekend.
Lives are placed at additional risk now because Morton County refuses to remove a concrete barricade on Highway 1806 which prevents ambulances and emergency vehicles from entering the Standing Rock Water Protector Camps.
The Missouri River is the water source of millions.
Listen below:

Drone Video: Standing Rock Camp -- DAPL Desecrating Sacred Land Dec. 15, 2016

Oceti Sakowin today. Screen capture from drone video by Myron Dewey

Dakota Access Pipeline desecrating sacred land.

Radio towers which could be jamming and interfering with water protectors cell service.

Watch drone video below by Myron Dewey. Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016 at 5 pm.
Adjust volume on video to hear Myron Dewey's comments about areas.

Attorneys Call on Morton County to Remove Illegal Blockade of Hwy 1806 to Water Protector Camps

Attorneys Call on Morton County to Remove Illegal Blockade of Hwy 1806 to Water Protector Camps

By Water Protector Legal Collective

Censored News
December 14, 2016

MANDAN, North Dakota -- The Water Protector Legal Collective (WPLC), an initiative of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), sent a letter yesterday to the Morton County Commission and Sheriff’s Department calling for the immediate removal of barriers blocking a section of Highway 1806 near the Water Protector campsites in the interest of public safety, health, human, and constitutional rights.

“This blockade, once again, shows the historic, unchecked discrimination against Native people,” said Brandy Toelupe, WPLC President. “That the Morton County Commission and Sheriff would illegally endanger everyone in the area in order to punish Water Protectors is something we will take every legal step to end.”
The letter by WPLC, which is helping coordinate legal support for Water Protectors and all others negatively affected by the Dakota Access Pipeline, called the blockade illegal; a safety and health risk; and violation of the rights to travel, demonstrate, and pray. The blockade on Highway 1806 has been in place at the Backwater Bridge since October 28, 2016 and blocks all pedestrian and vehicular travel.
“By preventing all vehicles – including emergency vehicles – from traveling on this portion of Highway 1806, your blockade has endangered the safety of the thousands of individuals who reside in this area and who visit the camps located alongside of the Cannonball River, as well as the neighboring businesses both north and south of the blockade,” the letter stated.
Last month, the blockade delayed emergency vehicles attempting to reach the hundreds of Water Protectors who were injured by water cannons, chemical weapons and munitions deployed by law enforcement during a peaceful protest on November 20.
WPLC also states that the letter is meant to serve as official notice to Morton County, and that legal action will be taken if the roadblock is not removed immediately and full travel allowed. Read the full letter here.
The Water Protector Legal Collective is the National Lawyers Guild legal support team for those engaged in resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. It maintains a 24/7 presence on-site at the Oceti Sakowin camp near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.


Contact: Brandy Toelupe, WPLC President (720) 876-8300 |
Robin Martinez, WPLC Secretary: (816) 694-6304 |
Tasha Moro, NLG Communications Director: (212) 679-5100, ext. 15 |

Tasha Moro
National Lawyers Guild
Director of Communications
212-679-5100, ext. 15#
Facebook/NLGNational | @NLGNews

On the Anniversary of Sitting Bull’s Death, Meet His Great Great Granddaughter, Brenda White Bull

Ayse Gursoz | Indigenous Rising Media

Spencer Mann | Indigenous Rising Media

On the Anniversary of Sitting Bull’s Death, Meet His Great Great Granddaughter, Brenda White Bull

Brenda White Bull from indigenous rising on Vimeo.

By Jade Begay
Indigenous Rising Media

On December 15, 1890, Chief Sitting Bull, known as Tatanka Iyotake was killed near Grand River in South Dakota. Sitting Bull was a spiritual leader for the Lakota and called Standing Rock his home. 

During the #NoDAPL resistance movement Sitting Bull’s wisdom was called upon as he was a leader who promoted peace and prayer in response to colonialism and brutality by the U.S. Government. 

In honor of Sitting Bull’s leadership and his legacy, Indigenous Rising Media, interviewed, Brenda White Bull, Sitting Bull’s great great granddaughter. 

Brenda is a courageous and humble leader just like her ancestor. On December 2nd Brenda, who has served 20 years in the military, walked across the Back Water Bridge near the Oceti Sakowin camp, and explained to North Dakota law enforcement and National Guard, that Water Protectors are just like those who served in the military: people who are protecting their families, human rights, and the land.

The following is a quote from the interview with Brenda: 

“Everyone has that fight in them, no matter what tribe, native, non-native. We never knew that this was going happen in Hunkpapa Lakota Territory, and it happened for a reason because I believe that this was a place that our ancestors, Sitting Bull, Black Elk, spoke about.  All the generations, all the people, all of humankind, would come together one day. Those were our leaders, our ancestors,  who predicted those things.  They predicted the black snake that would come.  It was called upon us to be here, to lead this, to lead this fight, of protecting Unci Maka, our Grandmother Earth,  and to protect our Mni Wiconi, our water of life” 

To view and download the full interview follow this link:

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Please donate to help cover the costs of Censored News live coverage. We are in our 11th year of publishing with no ads or revenue. We celebrate 14 million pageviews. Brenda Norrell, PMB 132, 405 E Wetmore Rd, Ste 117, Tucson, Arizona 85705.
Thank you.

Standing Rock Camp Medic Passes from Heart Attack

Standing Rock Camp Medic Bert Allen “B.A.” Naholowa'a passes to Spirit World


On Thursday, December 8, Bert Allen “B.A.” Naholowa'a suffered a heart attack. He was outside of the gas station near the Prairie Knights Casino. He was there doing maintenance on his RV. He'd been in the area since roughly November 26th serving as a volunteer medic to water protectors at Oceti Sakowin Camp.

B.A. received first aid, and an ambulance was called to assist him. He was taken to Fort Yates Hospital. He did not recover and passed away that day.

B.A. was Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian), American Irish, and American Chinese. B.A. was a second generation Air Force veteran. B.A. resided in Arizona. He is survived by 4 children, their mother and their partners, 8 grandchildren, 3 sisters and a large extended family.

From B.A.’s family:
"We were regularly in contact with dad while he was volunteering at the camp. He was honored to be there and of service to the camp community. Thanks to all that made his experience a good one. He walked on in a good way. We are sure he is in peace.

The Naholowa'a Ohana is happy to receive visitors for B.A. at a visitation on December 13th from 11 am to 1 pm at Dawise Perry Funeral Home in Mandan, North Dakota. Later his ashes will be taken home to Hawai‘i for further services."


We express our deepest sympathies to B.A.'s Ohana and want everyone to know that B.A. left a beautiful lasting impression on all who he had contact with. We don't have words to describe the loss that those of us who had the honor of knowing B.A. are feeling; but we are grateful for the time we did get to spend with him - time well spent caring for the water protectors. We are also grateful that B.A.'s family could come to camp and hold a memorial service today. Those of us who were able to come were very blessed by the songs and ceremony.

We ask everyone to please give the family time and space to heal. We love you all.


(Sorry, but the original link at Censored News is not functioning. This article has been reposted, with original comments reposted. Thank you.)

Greatest honor and respect for your Dad's service to Mother Earth and Clean Water in the prayerful movement for future generations. His soul will soar with the Creator. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 3:43 PM

His service was honorable. Condolences to his family. Peace and hugs. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 3:39 PM

We honor a man who died as he lived - helping others. There is no doubt he will rest in peace. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 3:29 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for enabling him to transition in a proud and honorable way. My love to you and yours. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 3:29 PM

I heard an interview with Chauncey Peltier, yesterday, stating they are using chemical weapons on Water Protectors, with their water cannons. Could that have been a factor? on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 3:28 PM

My father passed away Sept. 12th of this year and it allowed me to be here at Standing Rock! It sounds like your father was a wonderful with a big heart. I saw the ambulances that day at the casino and whispered a prayer..... So sad for your loss but for him what an honorable place to die. He truly gave his heart to Standing Rock. I have my dad's ashes with and plan to place some on the land, when I do I will add your dad's in spirit. Thanks for sharing your father with us! May you enjoy his memory. Maybe in the spring we can plant a tree for him? We did that for my dad.... Mini Wiconi - water is life! on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 3:08 PM

������May Creator bless his spirit and his family ������ on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 2:48 PM

Bless BA, his family and his friends all over the world. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 2:44 PM

at 2:36 PM

at 2:35 PM

My deepest condolences to the family ..A TRUE WARRIOR. (joanne in fla ) on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 2:35 PM

Sending my love and condolences to the family. How wonderful that Bert was able provide help and caring to the water protectors...I know the prifound impact of that in one's life...I pray fir his continued journey. I sense he is at peace.���� on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 2:30 PM

So sorry to hear that. .Prayers lifted on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 2:30 PM

Thank you Bert for all your support and caring you are a true Warrior and my Condolences to his family and friends. Little Eagle on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 2:13 PM

My deepest condolences. Many thanks for taking the time to stand with the water protectors and so unselfishly giving of his time and his heart. Much love and blessings for peace and know his spirit is flying high watching over all of us. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 2:10 PM

Sending Healing... Love... and Peace to the Family of BA. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 2:03 PM

He truly left in a Honorable Way...serving the people..I am certain his Ancestors are welcoming him home and patting him on the back..saying "well done!"... much love and respect.. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 1:44 PM

Thank you, family, for your sacrifice in letting BA serve in this way. Sorry for your loss. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 1:42 PM

Thank You for your selflessness Brother. You are a true Hero. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 1:36 PM

Many blessings to family and friends! A true hero! on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 1:27 PM

Thank you Bert and bless you and your family. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 1:27 PM

Many blessings to all! Truly a hero! on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 1:26 PM

So very tragic. My condolences to his family. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 1:16 PM

Blessings, Love & Healing to this sacred man's family. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

at 12:40 PM

Blessings, Love & Healing to this sacred man's family. on Standing Rock Medic Passes from Heart Attack

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