WA News

Man hands himself in over Scarborough road rage incident

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A man has handed himself into police over a road rage incident involving an elderly couple in their car in Scarborough.

The incident, according to a report in the Stirling Times newspaper, resulted in a 74-year-old woman sustaining a hand injury.

The confrontation was captured on the couple's dash cam.

The 73-year-old man Jim and his 74-year-old wife Essie were heading home on December 10 when they drove up behind two cyclists near Green Street and Scarborough Beach Road.

Jim, who was driving, said his wife's hand was resting on the open window when one of the cyclists hit their car with his hand.


"One of the cyclists struck her hand on the window with his hand and I heard her screaming and I was shouting at the bloke," Jim told the community newspaper.

The cyclists were ahead of the couple on the road when Jim beeped his horn as they merged.

The footage appears to show one of the cyclists striking the car. The car stops and a heated argument ensues.

"I heard my husband beep the horn, the cyclists slowed down and moved to left of the road; the next thing I heard something sounded like banging or kicking the car," Essie said.

"I then felt a sharp pain in my left hand, I yelled in pain and quickly pulled my hand inside the car.

"I was scared and confused to why he was screaming at me."

Senior Sergeant Glenn Dowding, of Scarborough Police, told WA Today a man presented himself to police on Thursday morning over the incident and was now being questioned by officers.

No charges have been laid at this time.