

These days, Hollywood has a reputation for being politically liberal. But you'd be surprised how many conservatives there are in Hollywood. Or, maybe you wouldn't, if you remember that Hollywood is just like any other major industry in the US. But what about the secret Republicans of the 1950s?


After years of fighting with FOIA requesters, the CIA has finally uploaded over 12 million documents to its website. While many of the documents have been declassified for some time, the pages were intentionally hard to access, and only available on a few computers sitting at the National Archives. But now, anyone can search the documents from anywhere.


On 8 March 2014 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished, with 239 passengers and crew - including six Australians - on board the Boeing 777.

Almost three years later, efforts to find the aircraft in a 120,000 square-kilometre underwater search area in the southern Indian Ocean have been officially suspended.


Before Jesus arrived and his divine father chilled out, the Old Testament God was, ironically, kind of a hellraiser. He was not a nice guy. He really liked killing people. And he may have actually been insane, if his willingness to randomly murder devout worshippers like Moses was any indication. Here are the 12 craziest, most awful things God did in the Old Testament, back before that wacked-out hippie Jesus softened him up.


United States President Barack Obama has commuted Chelsea Manning's 35 year military prison sentence for passing classified files to Wikileaks.

The presidential order for clemency reduces Manning's sentence from 35 years, with a 2045 release, to just over seven years — most of which Manning has already served. Manning will be released from custody on 17 May 2017.


Names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords (using MD5) and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers were stolen from over one billion Yahoo accounts during two separate hacks in 2013 and 2014.

It has now been revealed that Australian politicians, senior Defence officials, police and judges - including Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen, Liberal MP Andrew Hastie, Social Services Minister Christian Porter, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, opposition health spokesperson Catherine King and Liberal senator Cory Bernardi - were among those whose accounts were compromised.


South Korea is in political chaos after the recent impeachment of its president, Park Geun-hye, and now, the charges of corruption are spreading to the highest levels of Samsung. A prosecutor is seeking the arrest of the company's vice chairman and de facto leader, Jay Y. Lee.


Last year represented a breaking point of sorts for major online platforms. The swelling tide of abuse, hate-speech, and politicized misinformation finally grew too big to be ignored. But the ensuing crackdown — as painfully slow and largely ineffective as is — has led to a concurrent rise in largely-unknown sites and services clamoring to be the Most Free for free speech absolutists.