

Phoebe's Fall prompts review of Coroners Act

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The Victorian Government has announced a review of the Coroners Act amid public concern surrounding the inquest into Phoebe Handsjuk's garbage chute death.

Attorney-General Martin Pakula told Fairfax Media the review would determine whether changes made in 2008 to limit appeal rights have gone too far, making it almost impossible for ordinary people to challenge a coroner's finding.

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Phoebe Handsjuk.

Phoebe Handsjuk. Photo: Supplied

There has only been one appeal against a coroner's finding in Victoria since the act was changed eight years ago.


"We understand that the coronial process can be daunting and difficult for people who have lost their loved ones – that's why it's so important that our laws are operating fairly and effectively for everyone involved in the process," Mr Pakula told Fairfax Media.

"This review will allow us to consider whether the existing options for appealing or reopening coronial investigations are working appropriately."

Ms Handsjuk's mother, Natalie Handsjuk, welcomed the review.

"It's clear from the overwhelming support we have received that the general public are outraged by what has occurred in this case and many say they have lost trust in the judicial system," she said.

"I hope that trust can be restored and that a fairer appeal process is made available."

Phoebe Handsjuk's mother Natalie.

Phoebe Handsjuk's mother Natalie. 

After Coroner White handed down his finding in 2014, Phoebe Handsjuk's family was warned by a leading Melbourne QC and top-tier law firm that they could face a costs bill of at least $120,000 if they sought to challenge the finding. Under the current law, a coroner's finding can only be challenged if a perverse error of law has been made. A coroner cannot be challenged for misinterpreting a fact or ignoring evidence.

The government's review will be conducted by the Coronial Council, made up of the State Coroner, senior academics, top legal experts and the chief commissioner of police. It will also examine whether the laws around reopening coronial investigations are adequate. Its report is due in November next year.

Mrs Handsjuk is moving towards a legal challenge to have Coroner Peter White's 2014 accidental death finding set aside and replaced with an open finding.

Mrs Handsjuk said she would write to Mr Pakula, asking the government to indemnify her against any costs order arising from a legal bid to have the Supreme Court review coroner White's finding.

Mrs Handsjuk has been emboldened to do this after the state opposition – which has already pledged to broaden appeal rights – signalled that it would indemnify her if it won the 2018 election.

"We, Phoebe's family would like the opportunity to have the findings reviewed. We will seek legal assistance for either an appeal or a review if we can be assured of protection from a costs order," she said.

Shadow attorney general John Pesutto said public interest in Phoebe Handsjuk's case "justifies the Handsjuk family being given some support to appeal the coronial findings" and called on the government to indemnify them against costs.

But Mr Pakula has ruled this out, saying: "If we were to indemnify one family, there would be other Victorians who would be entitled to expect the same deal. It simply would not be possible to do this fairly."

Fairfax Media understands the Handsjuk family has been approached by member of the public eager to set up crowdsourcing appeals to raise funds to support legal action.

A host of legal, police and forensic experts have questioned the basis for coroner White's finding of accidental death. They believe he should have followed his counsel assisting's advice to make an open finding. They say the evidence did not rule out suicide, murder or accidental death.

There is a precedent in Victoria for the government offering to protect a litigant from costs orders when appealing a coroner's decision.

In 2011, the then attorney-general Robert Clark indemnified Jean Priest, the mother of missing 7-year-old Linda Stilwell, against adverse costs orders. The coroner had decided that child killer Derek Percy, who was the key suspect in the girl's disappearance and presumed murder, did not need to give evidence because of his mental state. The mother's appeal in that case was successful.

Speaking on an episode of Phoebe's Fall earlier in the year, one of Melbourne's top barristers, Ian Freckleton, who is a member of the Coronial Council, declared the idea of protecting families against costs orders had merit. 

Coroner White ruled that Ms Handsjuk's death at the age of 24 was a tragic accident in which she placed herself feet-first in a garbage chute on the 12th floor of a luxury Melbourne apartment building she lived in with boyfriend Antony Hampel.

He found that prescription sleeping drug Stilnox and alcohol had made Ms Handsjuk go into the chute in a "sleepwalking state". She survived the 40-metre plunge but bled to death after the blade of a garbage compactor almost severed her right foot.

Phoebe Handsjuk with Antony Hampel. Picture supplied by Richard Baker

Phoebe Handsjuk with Antony Hampel. 

Boyfriend Antony Hampel, the son of retired Supreme Court judge George Hampel and step-son of sitting County Court judge Felicity Hampel, was exonerated when Coroner White ruled there was no third-party involvement.

Mr Hampel denied under oath any knowledge of the circumstances of or involvement in his girlfriend's death. Fairfax Media does not suggest otherwise.

Another senior Victorian politician, deputy National Party leader Stephanie Ryan, has also spoken out about Phoebe Handsjuk's case and its impact on public confidence in the justice system.

Using parliamentary privilege, Ms Ryan asked: "Why was seemingly crucial evidence never gathered? What of [then boyfriend] Antony Hampel's connections to some of the most powerful [people] in the judiciary? Why did the coroner take the not unprecedented but unusual step of going against the advice of counsel assisting?" Ms Ryan asked.