
How to budget daily spend for your holiday

It's holiday season and the next few weeks will see millions of Aussies packing their bags and heading interstate or abroad.

Most of us would rather spend time planning our itineraries than calculating the cost of coffee and croissants in Paris or a big night out on Broadway. But not budgeting for, and during, your break can result in overspending on impulse, blowing your dough before the trip ends or coming home to a credit crunch.

So how can you have the holiday without the hip pocket hangover?

Plenty of planning and a strictly enforced daily spending limit, says Sydney marketing professional Amy Miller, 24, who dropped $10,000 on a three-week trip to the United States and Mexico with partner Kyle Frost in July.

Their tab included international and domestic flights at about $2000 apiece, five nights in a New York hotel at $1700, resort stays in Tulum and Cancun and expenses for the duration.

The couple looked for accommodation specials on Expedia and, used Trip Advisor to weigh the cost of all-inclusive resort deals against hotel and restaurant prices in Mexico and saved money by booking tickets to attractions online.


"We kind of planned everything we wanted to do and made sure we had enough … we had our list of attractions that we wanted to do and I had my list of shopping streets I wanted to go down," Miller says.

"Everything was written out … just to make sure we weren't going over."

The pair allocated themselves spending money of $50 a day each in Mexico, and while staying with Miller's extended family in California, and $200 a day each in New York.

The pre-agreed budget – and a partner with his finger on the financial pulse – made it easy to relax financially, Miller says.

"It all evened out really well," she says. "We did have to be careful because I don't have a credit card … but it's kind of easy when Kyle is in there going, 'this is how much we've got' – he's really on top of everything.

"I've done holidays in Europe before when I was younger and I had to borrow money off my parents because I went over budget and didn't have any money left before I came back."

There are plenty of holidaymakers less organised than Miller and Frost.

Australians took 9.2 million overseas holidays last year and collectively overspent more than $900 million, according to Commonwealth Bank research, which found a third of travellers outlaid more than they planned to.

Almost half of us set off without a budget or spending plan. Of those who do crunch some numbers, 50 per cent devote an hour or less to the exercise.

Most travellers don't check their spending until their return, or do so on an ad hoc basis, despite the prevalence of internet banking, the research found.

Big picture planning

Amanda Behre, director of brand and marketing at travel site, recommends setting a total travel budget then working out how the dollars can best be stretched.

For families, that might mean looking for apartment rather than hotel accommodation so breakfast and lunch can be prepared cheaply, or choosing a resort where under-12s are free.

Being flexible about dates and departure times and booking flights and accommodation several months out can mean better deals – and more time to look for them.

Scour destination sites for low-cost activities, such as walks or free museums, and score savings of up to 50 per cent on entry fees by buying tickets in advance online, Behre says .

Crimping the communication spend

While roaming rates have improved in recent years, heading overseas and using your mobile phone as usual can be a pricey proposition, telco editor Alex Kidman warns.

Pre-purchased roaming packs or credits can prevent budget blow-out via bill shock. Travellers planning to stay away for longer periods may do better to purchase a local SIM card, providing their phone is unlocked.

Those heading off with teens should talk to them about acceptable data usage, as costs can rack up quickly, Kidman says.

"Possibly build some time into your holiday where you're specifically in range of public Wi-Fi so your teens can get their online fix but you don't go broke in the process," he says.

Track your spend

Remembering the exchange rate and keeping a running tallying of costs and a weather eye on your bank accounts online should ensure you don't return home in the red, MLC Advice financial planner Michael Miller says.

"It's just being aware by writing down, maybe at the end of the day, this is what we spent on the big items," he says.

"It doesn't have to be everything. Entry fees to attractions, big meals, big transport costs, taxis … if you sit down and do those few items you'll have caught 90 per cent of what you've spent in a day.

"Half way through the trip, you might say, 'I'm running a bit over budget'. You at least know [and can] maybe pull back a little bit."