Small Business

Awkward: When business names go bad

It's all well and good to come up with a catchy business name. But what if the world shifts on its axis and you're suddenly left with something evil, racist or just downright inappropriate?

Australian businesses have always had to move with the times. Think lolly cigarettes FAGS, which were later rebranded to FADS, and then FADS Fun Sticks. The final name was apparently intended to distance the product further from its connotations with smoking.

This childhood favourite later changed its name to the more generic FADS Fun Sticks.
This childhood favourite later changed its name to the more generic FADS Fun Sticks. 

Seen an awkward business name? Add it in the comments

But a new rash of businesses, especially those that include the word Isis – an Egyptian goddess – have found themselves in an annoying, and potentially very expensive pickle.

A screenshot from SHAPE's website.
A screenshot from SHAPE's website. 

Should they grin and bear the now-awkward name, or suck it up and change everything from their stationery, to signage, uniforms and website? 

Earlier this year Queensland business Isis Financial Planners was forced to rebrand to Cube Financial Planners to disassociate itself with the global terrorist group.


The firm's Adi Koszta told the Caboolture Shire Herald that while the company had originally tried to "laugh off" the unfortunate coincidence, a slowdown in internet traffic meant they had no choice but to change the name.

"We had a bit of graffiti on our sign saying f*** Isis but most people are able to joke about the name," Koszta told the paper.

EY, formerly Ernst & Young, now shares its name with a racy Spanish magazine.
EY, formerly Ernst & Young, now shares its name with a racy Spanish magazine. Photo: Screenshot: EY! Magateen

Meanwhile Australian fitout and refurbishment company ISIS Group Australia changed its name to the much friendlier SHAPE.

In a statement, the 26-year-old company said it was "a difficult decision that was made after months of engaging with our employees and external stakeholders".

Can of SARS anyone?
Can of SARS anyone? Photo: Virginia Star

"The decision to change came down to what's in the best interest of the people involved with our business. Ensuring everyone feels safe, connected and proud of working with us is critical," the statement read.

The businesses are among dozens of firms worldwide, including a Belgian chocolate maker and British private equity firm ISIS Equity Partners, who have had to distance themselves from the terrorism group. The International Society for Individual Liberty ( is in the process of changing its name to Liberty International.

Meanwhile Melbourne gang Apex has had an effect on Google search rankings, pushing out Apex Car Rentals Australia and even the long-running community service organisation Apex for top spot.  

Michael Kava, owner of consultancy Little Marketing, said he would strongly encourage small businesses who find themselves stuck with a negative association to change their name.

"I definitely think these days with social media and people being so aware with what's going on in the world, at first you might have a laugh," he said.

"People say any PR's good PR, but it's probably something you want to steer away from."

He says a rebrand could cost a small business somewhere in the order of $5000 to $10,000.

While businesses change their name for all sorts of reasons, Kava says a name change can raise suspicions – unless you explain why you're doing it.

"You need to be clear in your communication with clients as to why. It can be done in a really pleasant and constructive way."

In the case of those businesses unfortunate enough to have the name of a terrorist group, Kava says the most savvy thing to do is tackle it head-on.

"You lose credibility because you haven't changed your name – not because you're called ISIS, but because you don't acknowledge it's an issue."

Of course rebranding can also cause issues, as Ernst & Young found when it changed its name to EY. That's the same name as a Spanish soft porn mag, however Kava says in this case, the effect is negligible because of the global accounting powerhouse's size, credibility and long history.

"The fact that there's one magazine in one country called that, I don't think it affects them at all," says Kava.

Sometimes of course, it's a global disease that can get you thinking about your company name. Long after the SARS virus disappeared from the news, sarsparilla, commonly known as 'sars', is still on the shelves. But those behind the website might be having second thoughts.

Back in the day, Ayds Candy - with the promise that it would "help you eat less because you want less" - might have got cash registers ka-chinging, but one suspects it would now send shoppers running in the opposite direction.


What if it's just the lingo that catches up with your business name or website URL? 

The particularly lazy small business owner might appreciate the sentiments behind CBF Print. Then again, if you can't be bothered even going that far, you could just give CBF Business Solutions a holler.

Other eye-raising business names

Coon cheese

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