Small Business

You’re not as busy as you think you are: here’s why

Nine tips to get you back to feeling in control.

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Some of us always appear to be completely out of control at work. Others are able to manage time their time with ease. So why are some people a hot mess, as others take time management in their stride?

Business consultant Shane Warren says this has more to do with the ability to regulate our emotions than our time management at work.  

"We're all under the pump at times and need to push through to get things done. Some of us manage that stress and anxiety internally while others will instinctively express these feelings outwardly – that's the huff and puff sort of person," says Mr Warren.

One of the biggest challenges facing modern knowledge workers is that there is more work available than there is time to get it done, claims Marshall Hughes, who runs My Productivity Coach.

"There are two options for dealing with this. You can try to get everything done. Or you can accept not everything can be accomplished. Set a goal for the day to do a few things well. It's better to finish three tasks that day that are important than set out to complete 10 tasks and only do two," he adds.


There are other things you can do to step back from the cult of busy and take control of your time.

1. Understand your internal energy

Mr Warren encourages people to better understand their internal energy, explaining that non-rigid routines are better for responding to changing workload demands.

"Find out when your brain is more creative or when you have more physical energy, then establish a non-rigid routine where you undertake tasks that complement your natural body clock," he says.

2. Embrace flexibility

Flexibility means offering staff the chance to work from home, job share, or tailor their hours to fit in with family obligations.

Being more flexible helps with time management because it takes the emotional angst out of the situation. Many workers find that getting through the work on their own schedule means they actually get through a lot more, and work more strategically.

Mr Warren says: "The benefit of cognitive or mental flexibility is having the ability to adjust your thinking, giving you better ability to adapt to new situations."

3.Yes, it works: compile a to-do list

Writing out what you have to achieve and ticking off completed tasks not only helps you manage stress, it gives you a sense of accomplishment. Don't forget to update the list regularly so you know exactly what you need to do - using colour-coding can help you prioritise.

4. Early to bed, early to rise

According to Mr Marshall, ma"The best way to steal time back is to get up early. The best way to get up early is to go to bed early."

5. Never lose a moment

If you think you don't have time to learn or keep up-to-date with current affairs, think again. Mr Marshall recommends listening to audiobooks and podcasts in the car, train or walking – to learn, study and review. 

6. Do similar tasks consecutively 

Mr Marshall calls this 'batching': "A good example is phone calls. Instead of making sales calls at various times of the day, set aside a time to make all the calls. Get into a flow, plough through them."

7. Take breaks

Time management is almost impossible – it's energy management you need. "Time passes regardless of what we do," says Mr Marshall. "Energy management, however, is entirely within our control. Very few people can operate at maximum efficiency and effectiveness for hours on end."

He uses a technique called pomodoro, Italian for tomato. Set a timer – between 25 and 45 minutes – and work exclusively on one task for the entire time. Then have a break at the end of the period: relax, check your email or Facebook or grab a coffee. Then, set the timer again.

8. Delegate

Small business owner Jill Brennan runs Harbren, a marketing consultancy for small business. She recommends reviewing the tasks that take up most of your time and deciding if other people can do them.

"I've just asked my assistant to do a daily Twitter task for me that wasn't taking up a lot of time but was a constant item on my daily to-do list.  It wasn't complex but needed to be done. The reality was that it didn't have to be done by me," she says. "I took a screencast video using Quicktime as I finished the task for the last time and gave that to her together with some simple written instructions.  If she has any questions she will let me know but I now know that she'll be able to do it and I don't need to think about it anymore."

9. Be open to new ideas

Being less busy means you need to be open to considering new ways of working. Ms Brennan gives an example.

"I'm working with a web designer on behalf of a client who sends through a video with each round of changes that explains why something has been designed in a particular way. It makes the process more engaging, there are fewer misunderstandings and less time wasted going back and forth," she says.

9. Don't be drawn into other's busyness

Busyness is catching! If the culture in the workplace is: "I'm so busy therefore I must be important", reflect on your behaviour and see if you could re-think how you operate.

Everyone is busy, but there are plenty of ways to reduce the amount of time you spend at work and increase your wellbeing. Don't follow the maniacally busy crowd, set your own terms.

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