
Latest education news

Illustration: Matt Davidson

We have a bigger problem than being bad at maths

Spare a thought for Australia's 15-year-olds. If they don't have enough to contend with, between the immediate demands of Snapchat and a future of robots stealing their jobs, now they have to bear the brunt of a nation's slighted pride. 

Schools furious about a major leak of sensitive VCE data have called the blunder "atrocious" and are demanding the ...

Teachers should be recruited like police

NSW will face an influx of lessqualified teachers from other states, the state government has warned, unless national minimum standards are adopted to prevent students from flooding into university degrees.

More funds for preschool places.

New preschool funding misses 70pc of children

The cost of childcare to the bulk of NSW families could actually increase after the government's multi-million dollar funding boost to the early childhood sector, industry sources say. 

Year 3 students sit the NAPLAN test in 2015.

The fallacy of single-sex education

A review of 1.6 million students has failed to find any advantages to single-sex education, says the former president of American Psychological Association Diane Halpern.

Graduation day.

Our universities' global rankings revealed

Australian universities' investment in research has driven improvement in their global rankings, according to a global higher education think tank that produces one of the most influential world university league tables, released Tuesday.