
Column 8

"Is it just me? Part of the 'joy' of Xmas is going to the shopping centre carpark and spending 45 minutes going round and round looking in vain for a car spot before finally exiting in frustration and disgust. Santa, apart from world peace, I want a car park entry gate that dispenses a ticket with the nearest free car spot number. This will minimise my angst and maximise my shopping time (spend! spend! spend!)." Chris Ramos of Sydney.

"As we are bombarded with ads for unnecessary consumables in the lead up to Santa Claus Day I am reminded of the old adage from the 70s," writes John Grinter of Katoomba.  " 'And the Lord said there shall come a great profit throughout the land and half shall go to Coles and half to Woolies'. Seasonal felicitations to all."

Philip Fitzgerald (C8) is correct to ask 'how many Magi'? says Adrian Bell of Davistown. "Other accounts record the visit of the three Zoroastrian wise men with their gifts. However, older C8ers will recall the Farside cartoon indicating a fourth wise man was turned away as he only brought fruit cake." 

Re C8 item on prices. "I once read that people tend to look at the first few digits," notes John Lo, Bexley North. "So $59.99 is $59. Another reason may be to do with taxation. The ATO ignores any amount after the decimal. Selling an item for $59.99, the retailer only has to report $59, keeping the 99 cents untaxed. Not sure if this is true, perhaps an accountant could verify it."

"Lance Newsham (C8); it is never acceptable to forget the lines of the second verse of our national anthem. However, if you are a member of our federal Parliament, it is compulsory to do so." Kevin Harris of Beecroft.

An offer from Evelyn Klopfere, East Sydney. "For all bewailing the loss of more than one cherry on a stalk – and saying all are single these days. I buy my cherries at Coles, and each time have had several in the container which are doubles and if I wanted to, I could hang them over my ears as some of your C8 responders wish to do."

"​I knew I should never have mentioned the super moon; C8 has once again upheld its reputation of putting the mockers on any astronomical observation." Dave Horsfall, North Gosford.

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