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Daily Life

Create a love den in your home using the principles of feng shui

Is your relationship down in the dumps? Are you having a hard time finding someone even remotely datable? Then, check your "love corner".

When a new client comes to me looking for a way to strengthen their relationship – or attract one – there are a few options available. We can review your childhood and unearth destructive patterns.

Good sex and intimacy starts at home.  Photo: Stocksy

We can practise different communication techniques or write lists about why your partner is such an asshole. Another, dare I say, more fun schema, is feng shui romance analysis. Say what?

Well. There's lots to learn here.

The ancient 3000-year old rule is this: Treat your space as though it is a reflection of your desires.

Originating in China, the goal of feng shui is to balance natural energies or "chi" in one's surroundings to create beneficial effects in our lives. Houses are divided according to an energy map, with each "bagua'' governing a specific aspect of life. Clutter, is basically the devil. Think Trump in the White House.

Now, consider the bedroom. TV blaring, filthy bed, dusty overdue library books, dying plants, children's plastic toys on the floor, receipts, loose change, dirty laundry. Not sexy.

Instead, create a lair. Ban technology. Sheets get changed, frequently. Surfaces are uncluttered. There may even be fresh flowers somewhere. Or handcuffs on the doorknob. It's up to you.

Indeed, just as the clitoris can be overlooked on the female body, the love corner, in each room, often doesn't get the attention it deserves. Upon entering any room and standing in the doorway, the love corner is the opposite corner on your right-hand side. This is prime romantic real estate. Play white witch and create a little personalised magic here that signifies, to you, love, romance, or passion. The theory is, that in doing so, your desires are amplified and attracted back to you.

Curate love corners in the rooms you spend the most time in: living room, bedroom, and perhaps, garden. (Oh my god. Come to think of it, I haven't set up a love corner in my garden yet. Could this be why I've been so snarky lately?)

In feng shui, symbology is everything. Be thoughtful in the placement of art and photos throughout your house, with particular attention to your love corners. Case in point: do not have pictures of your pets or mother-in-law near where you copulate. Just saying.

For those seeking love, or wanting to strengthen an existing partnership, take an inventory of the images that you are surrounded by. Are your paintings full of solitary portraits or turbulent landscapes? Swap them for art, pictures, and knick-knacks that feature paired objects. Animals (in feng shui, cranes and ducks are super popular). Candles. Flowers. Plants. Pictures of couples. Colours used to promote love and romance include red, pink, and white. Consider also adding "earth element" soft furnishings.

Here's a tip. Free of charge. If you have a hard time decluttering, wait until you are really angry about something, put on some loud music, then throw yourself into it.

Single and stuck in the past? Objects are thought to hold personal associations. Let go of old memories by chucking stuff that reminds you of your ex. Stop sleeping in their T-shirt! Bad feng shui! Also, make sure your intimate spaces are prepped for two. Two bedside tables, two night lamps, easy access to both sides of the bed. You don't want to block the chi, right?

It's simple. By mindfully creating spaces that remind us of what is important, we create more room for love, sex, and intimacy.