WA News

Federal government accused of bullying over Freo's fireworks decision

The Turnbull government has been accused of acting like a bully after it threatened to ban Fremantle from hosting citizenship ceremonies because the city has moved its Australia Day celebrations to January 28.

The Greens released a statement on Saturday saying the federal government's response set a dangerous, interfering, precedent.

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"The Turnbull Government threatening to ban citizenship ceremonies in Fremantle because they do not agree with the City of Fremantle kick-starting an important conversation about cultural inclusivity is inappropriate, bullying and sets a dangerous precedent," said Senator Rachel Siewert.

The council started a storm of controversy in August when it announced it would cancel the traditional Australia Day fireworks and move the celebrations to a "culturally-inclusive alternative event" two days later.

On Friday it emerged that Assistant Minister for Immigration Alex Hawke had written to the council threatening to stop it from holding any citizenship ceremonies unless celebrations were moved back to January 26.

But the City of Fremantle issued a statement saying it had no intention of reneging on the move stating it was "not a political rally or protest and also satisfies the conditions of being non-commercial, bipartisan and non-religious."


State Green MP Lynn MacLaren also hit out at the attack from the federal government and praised Fremantle for its determination in proceeding with its One Day in Fremantle event.

"The City of Fremantle has weathered strong reactions to this decision but the fact remains that both Aboriginal and non-Indigenous Australians have been asking for this for a long time," she said 

"It's a conversation that needed to be had."

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