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Pfam logo.gif
Description The Pfam database provides alignments and hidden Markov models for protein domains.
Data types
Protein families
Organisms all
Research center EBI
Primary citation PMID 19920124
Data format Stockholm format
Download URL FTP 1 FTP 2
License GNU Lesser General Public License
Version 30.0

Pfam is a database of protein families that includes their annotations and multiple sequence alignments generated using hidden Markov models.[1][2][3] The most recent version, Pfam 30.0, was released in July 2016 and contains 16,306 families.[4]


The general purpose of the Pfam database is to provide a complete and accurate classification of protein families and domains.[5] Originally, the rationale behind creating the database was to have a semi-automated method of curating information on known protein families to improve the efficiency of annotating genomes.[6] The Pfam classification of protein families has been widely adopted by biologists because of its wide coverage of proteins and sensible naming conventions.[7]

It is used by experimental biologists researching specific proteins, by structural biologists to identify new targets for structure determination, by computational biologists to organise sequences and by evolutionary biologists tracing the origins of proteins.[8] Early genome projects used Pfam extensively for functional annotation of genomic data.[9] The Pfam website allows users to submit protein or DNA sequences to search for matches to families in the database. If DNA is submitted, a six-frame translation is performed, then each frame is searched.[10] Rather than a typical BLAST search, Pfam uses profile hidden Markov models, which give greater weight to matches at conserved sites, allowing better remote homology detection, making them more suitable for annotating genomes of organisms with no well-annotated close relatives.[11]

Pfam has also been used in the creation of other resources such as iPfam, which catalogs domain-domain interactions within and between proteins, based on information in structure databases and mapping of Pfam domains onto these structures.[12]


For each family in Pfam one can:

  • Look at multiple alignments
  • View protein domain architectures
  • Examine species distribution
  • Follow links to other databases
  • View known protein structures

Entries can be of several types: family, domain, repeat or motif. Family is the default class, which simply indicates that members are related. Domains are defined as an autonomous structural unit or reusable sequence unit that can be found in multiple protein contexts. Repeats are not usually stable in isolation, but rather are usually required to form tandem repeats in order to form a domain or extended structure. Motifs are usually shorter sequence units found outside of globular domains.[9]

The descriptions of Pfam families are managed by the general public using Wikipedia (see History).

Nearly 80% of protein sequences in the UniProt Knowledgebase have at least one match to Pfam family.[13] This number is called the sequence coverage.

Creation of new entries[edit]

New families come from a range of sources, primarily PDB and analysis of complete proteomes for genes with no Pfam hit.[13]

For each family, a representative subset of sequences are aligned into a high-quality seed alignment. Sequences for the seed alignment are taken primarily from pfamseq (a non-redundant database of reference proteomes) with some supplementation from UniprotKB.[14] This seed alignment is then used to build a profile hidden Markov model using HMMER. This HMM is then searched against sequence databases, and all hits that reach a curated gathering threshold are classified as members of the protein family. The resulting collection of members is then aligned to the profile HMM to generate a full alignment.

Domains of unknown function[edit]

Domains of Unknown Function (DUFs) represent a growing fraction of the Pfam database. Each newly added DUF is named in order of addition. The families are so named because they have been found to be conserved across species, but perform an unknown role. Names of these entries are updated as their functions are identified. Normally when the function of at least one protein belonging to a DUF has been determined, the function of the entire DUF is updated and the family is renamed. Some named families are still domains of unknown function, that are named after a representative protein, e.g. YbbR. Numbers are expected to continue increasing as conserved sequences of unknown function continue to be identified in sequence data. It is expected that DUFs will eventually outnumber families of known function.[13]


Over time, both sequence and residue coverage have increased, and as families have grown, more evolutionary relationships have been discovered, allowing the grouping of families into clans.[8] Clans were first introduced to the Pfam database in 2005. They are groupings of related families that share a single evolutionary origin, as confirmed by structural, functional, sequence and HMM comparisons.[5]


Pfam was founded in 1995 by Erik Sonhammer, Sean Eddy and Richard Durbin as a collection of commonly occurring protein domains that could be used to annotate the protein coding genes of multicellular animals.[6] One of it’s major aims at inception was to aid in the annotation of the C. elegant genome.[6] The project was partly driven by the assertion in ‘One thousand families for the molecular biologist’ by Cyrus Chothia that there were around 1500 different families of proteins and that the majority of proteins fell into just 1000 of these.[5][15] Counter to this assertion, the Pfam database currently contains 16,306 entries corresponding to unique protein domains and families. However, many of these families contain structural and functional similarities indicating a shared evolutionary origin (see Clans).[5]

A major point of difference between Pfam and other databases at the time of its inception was the use of two alignment types for entries: a smaller, manually checked seed alignment as well as a full alignment built by aligning sequences to a profile hidden Markov model built from the seed alignment. This smaller seed alignment was easier to update as new releases of sequence databases was released, and thus representing a promising solution to the dilemma of how to keep the database up to date as genome sequencing became more efficient and more data needed to be processed over time. A further improvement to the speed at which the database could be updated came in version 24.0, with the introduction of HMMER3, which is ~100 times faster than HMMER2 and more sensitive.[8]

Because the entries in Pfam-A do not cover all known proteins, an automatically generated supplement was provided called Pfam-B. Pfam-B contains a large number of small families derived from clusters produced by an algorithm called ADDA.[16] Although of lower quality, Pfam-B families could be useful when no Pfam-A families are found. Pfam-B was discontinued as of release 28.0.[17]

Pfam has undergone a substantial reorganisation over the last two years to further reduce manual effort involved in curation and allow for more frequent updates.[14]

Moving toward a more community-based resource[edit]

Curation of such a large database presented issues in terms of keeping up with the volume of new families and updated information that needed to be added. To speed up releases of the database, the developers started a number of initiatives to allow greater community involvement in managing the database.

A critical step in improving the pace of updating and improving entries was to open up the functional annotation of Pfam domains to the Wikipedia community in release 26.0.[13] For entries that already had a Wikipedia entry, this was linked into the Pfam page, and for those that did not, the community were invited to create one and inform the curators, in order for it to be linked in (there were to many families to create stubs for them all). It is anticipated that while community involvement will greatly improve the level of annotation of these families, some will remain insufficiently notable for inclusion in Wikipedia, in which case they will retain their original Pfam description. Some Wikipedia articles cover multiple families, such as the Zinc finger article. An automated procedure for generating articles based on InterPro and Pfam data has also been implemented, which populates a page with information and links to databases as well as available images, then once an article has been reviewed by a curator it is moved from the Sandbox to Wikipedia proper. In order to guard against vandalism of articles, each Wikipedia revision is reviewed by curators before it is displayed on the Pfam website. Almost all cases of vandalism have been corrected by the community before they reach curators, however.[13]

Pfam is run by an international consortium of three groups. In the earlier releases of Pfam, family entries could only be modified at the Cambridge, UK site, limiting the ability of consortium members to contribute to site curation. In release 26.0, developers moved to a new system that allowed registered users anywhere in the world to add or modify Pfam families.[13]

See also[edit]

  • TrEMBL Database performing an automated protein sequence annotation
  • InterPro Integration of protein domain and protein family databases
  • PDBfam — thorough assignment of Pfam domains to sequences in the Protein Data Bank (PDB)[18][19]


  1. ^ Finn RD, Tate J, Mistry J, Coggill PC, Sammut SJ, Hotz HR, Ceric G, Forslund K, Eddy SR, Sonnhammer EL, Bateman A (2008). "The Pfam protein families database". Nucleic Acids Res. 36 (Database issue): D281–8. doi:10.1093/nar/gkm960. PMC 2238907Freely accessible. PMID 18039703. 
  2. ^ Finn, R. D.; Mistry, J.; Schuster-Böckler, B.; Griffiths-Jones, S.; Hollich, V.; Lassmann, T.; Moxon, S.; Marshall, M.; Khanna, A.; Durbin, R.; Eddy, S. R.; Sonnhammer, E. L.; Bateman, A. (Jan 2006). "Pfam: clans, web tools and services" (Free full text). Nucleic Acids Research. 34 (Database issue): D247–D251. doi:10.1093/nar/gkj149. ISSN 0305-1048. PMC 1347511Freely accessible. PMID 16381856. 
  3. ^ Bateman, A.; Coin, L.; Durbin, R.; Finn, R. D.; Hollich, V.; Griffiths-Jones, S.; Khanna, A.; Marshall, M.; Moxon, S.; Sonnhammer, E. L.; Studholme, D. J.; Yeats, C.; Eddy, S. R. (2004). "The Pfam protein families database". Nucleic Acids Research. 32 (Database issue): 138D–1141. doi:10.1093/nar/gkh121. ISSN 0305-1048. PMC 308855Freely accessible. PMID 14681378.  open access publication - free to read
  4. ^ Finn, Rob; Mistry, Jaina (1 July 2016). "Pfam 30.0 is available". Xfam Blog. Retrieved 29 July 2016. 
  5. ^ a b c d Sammut, Stephen; Finn, Robert D.; Bateman, Alex (2008). "Pfam 10 years on: 10 000 families and still growing". Briefings in Bioinformatics. 9 (3): 210–219. doi:10.1093/bib/bbn010. 
  6. ^ a b c Sonnhammer, Erik L.L.; Eddy, Sean R.; Durbin, Richard (1997). "Pfam: A Comprehensive Database of Protein Domain Families Based on Seed Alignments". Proteins. 28: 405–420. 
  7. ^ Xu, Qifang; Dunbrack, Roland L. (2012). "Assignment of protein sequences to existing domain and family classification systems: Pfam and the PDB". Bioinformatics. 28 (21): 2763–2772. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts533. 
  8. ^ a b c Finn, R. D.; Mistry, J.; Tate, J.; Coggill, P.; Heger, A.; Pollington, J. E.; Gavin, O. L.; Gunasekaran, P.; Ceric, G.; Forslund, K.; Holm, L.; Sonnhammer, E. L. L.; Eddy, S. R.; Bateman, A. (2009). "The Pfam protein families database". Nucleic Acids Research. 38 (Database): D211–D222. doi:10.1093/nar/gkp985. ISSN 0305-1048. 
  9. ^ a b Bateman A, Birney E, Cerruti L, Durbin R, Etwiller L, Eddy SR, Griffiths-Jones S, Howe KL, Marshall M, Sonnhammer EL (2002). "The Pfam protein families database". Nucleic Acids Res. 30 (1): 276–80. PMC 99071Freely accessible. PMID 11752314. 
  10. ^ Finn, Robert D.; Bateman, Alex; Clements, Jody; Coggill, Penelope; Eberhardt, Ruth Y.; Eddy, Sean R.; Heger, Andreas; Hetherington, Kirstie; Holm, Liisa; Mistry, Jaina; Sonnhammer, Erik L. L.; Tate, John; Punta, Marco (2014). "Pfam: the protein families database". Nucleic Acids Research. 42 (D1): D222–D230. doi:10.1093/nar/gkt1223. ISSN 0305-1048. 
  11. ^ Sonnhammer EL, Eddy SR, Birney E, Bateman A, Durbin R (1998). "Pfam: multiple sequence alignments and HMM-profiles of protein domains". Nucleic Acids Res. 26 (1): 320–2. PMC 147209Freely accessible. PMID 9399864. 
  12. ^ Finn, R. D.; Marshall, M.; Bateman, A. (2004). "iPfam: visualization of protein-protein interactions in PDB at domain and amino acid resolutions". Bioinformatics. 21 (3): 410–412. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bti011. ISSN 1367-4803. 
  13. ^ a b c d e f Punta, M.; Coggill, P. C.; Eberhardt, R. Y.; Mistry, J.; Tate, J.; Boursnell, C.; Pang, N.; Forslund, K.; Ceric, G. (2011). "The Pfam protein families database". Nucleic Acids Research. 40 (D1): D290–D301. doi:10.1093/nar/gkr1065. ISSN 0305-1048. PMC 3245129Freely accessible. PMID 22127870. 
  14. ^ a b Finn, Robert D.; Coggill, Penelope; Eberhardt, Ruth Y.; Eddy, Sean R.; Mistry, Jaina; Mitchell, Alex L.; Potter, Simon C.; Punta, Marco; Qureshi, Matloob; Sangrador-Vegas, Amaia; Salazar, Gustavo A.; Tate, John; Bateman, Alex (2016). "The Pfam protein families database: towards a more sustainable future". Nucleic Acids Research. 44 (D1): D279–D285. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv1344. ISSN 0305-1048. 
  15. ^ Chothia, Cyrus (1992). "One thousand families for the molecular biologist". Nature. 357 (6379): 543–544. doi:10.1038/357543a0. ISSN 0028-0836. 
  16. ^ Heger, A.; Wilton, C. A.; Sivakumar, A.; Holm, L. (Jan 2005). "ADDA: a domain database with global coverage of the protein universe" (Free full text). Nucleic Acids Research. 33 (Database issue): D188–D191. doi:10.1093/nar/gki096. ISSN 0305-1048. PMC 540050Freely accessible. PMID 15608174. 
  17. ^ "Pfam 28.0 release notes". Retrieved 30 June 2015. 
  18. ^ Dunbrack, Roland. "PDBfam". PDBfam. Fox Chase Cancer Center. Retrieved 9 March 2013. 
  19. ^ Xu, Qifang; Dunbrack, Roland (2012). "Assignment of protein sequences to existing domain and family classification systems: Pfam and the PDB". Bioinformatics. 28 (21): 2763–72. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts533. PMC 3476341Freely accessible. PMID 22942020. 

External links[edit]