A Punk history of Woodberry Down Estate – exhibition


“They’ve Taken our Ghettos: A Punk History of the Woodberry Down Estate” 

Craving Coffee, The Mill Co Project, Gaunson House, Markfield Road, South Tottenham, London N15 4QQ

Exhibition Launch Party, Thurs, 2 Jul, 6-11pm, Free Entry
Food & drink available for purchase
Exhibition Runs 2-26 July

This exhibition brings together prints, illustrations, photographs and text, created by a diaspora of punks who lived as squatters on the Woodberry Down Estate in the Manor House area of London in the 80s and 90s. This show was conceived in response to the estate’s current redevelopment, which recognizes only consenting voices in its gentrification process.

This timely exhibition portrays aspects of an existence built on dissent, autonomy and communality, as an alternative to the neo-liberal values of ruthless individualism which held sway at that time. While the lifestyle was far from idyllic, at times dystopian, at its best it offered unmediated freedom and a real alternative to its participants.

Reflecting the principles of the community itself, no distinction is made between professional and amateur art and writing. And while some of the contributions are by known artists, writers and musicians, the rationale behind the exhibition is to present an expression of a life lived from those who lived it.

We will have an opening party on 2 July, with the bar also open for craft beer, cocktails, wine and food.

Facebook event

The People’s Story of Woodberry Down


“A project to help uncover and celebrate the history of the Woodberry Down Estate over the past 60 years.”


Contents so far include some great photos of residents in the 1950s, an open invitation to attend their “Memory Shop” and share experiences of living on the estate.

In May, a Guardian feature on the recent radical transformation of Woodberry Down entitled “The truth about gentrification: regeneration or con trick?” produced a very defensive response from the council.

The People’s Story of Woodberry Down is being run by Woodberry Down Community Organisation “in partnership with Eastside Community Heritage, Manor House Development, Genesis Housing Association, Berkeley Group and Hackney Council.” So it will be interesting to see how critical of the council, housing associations and regeneration process the project will be.

Woodberry Down: The People’s Story

Apologies, but I forgot to flag up yesterday’s Hidden River Festival, marking 400 years of the New River.

It was a nice event and I was pleased to see a couple of local history stalls amongst the cup cakes.

The comrades at Past Tense had their excellent pamphlets available, including the freshly published “Free Like Conduit Water: The New River, its moral and immoral economies” by John Tyre. I’ve not read it yet, but it looks fantastic and includes material about the New River’s route through Hackney.

There was also a stall by the Woodberry Down Community Organisation (the resident elected body that represents all residents and those who work from commercial premises within the estate).

They are working on a history project – here is the text of their leaflet:


Woodberry Down Community Organisation (WDCO) is applying for funding for an oral history project – “Woodberry Down, the People’s Story” – and we would like your support and participation. We are looking for:

  • Personal histories and experiences of those who have come to live in Woodberry Down, from the 1950s to the present day.
  • Your high points and low points (if you had any!) of living here.
  • How you came to live in Woodberry Down
  • The people in the neighbourhood you remember best

Eventually we hope to produce a book and exhibition. Right now we are looking for people who would be willing to:

  • Tell us your memories of Woodberry Down
  • Take part in the project by researching the history of the area or recording people’s memories
  • Letting the project copy any photographs you have of Woodberry Down and the people who have lived here

If you can help or would like to be involved contact WDCO at 6 Chattenden House, Woodberry Down Estate, London, N4 2SG or e-mail: wdhistory at hotmail dot co dot uk (with “at” replaced with @ and “dot” replaced with a full stop.)

(See also – a recent post by Municipal Dreams on the history and regeneration of Woodberry Down)