Spot the difference: Bishop vs Germany's defence minister

Two women visit hard-line Islamic nations. But only one of the two - Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen - lets it go to their head.

Here's Bishop in Iran:

media_cameraJulia Bishop

Von der Heyen in Saudi Arabia:

media_cameraVon der Leyen

THE GERMAN defence minister has caused outrage in Saudi Arabia after she refused to wear a hijab during an official visit.

Ursula von der Leyen and her team did not wear the traditional veil which is worn by women or the full length Abaya garment even though she has claimed to ‘respect’ the country’s customs...

According to an Iranian newspaper, Von der Leyen said: “No woman in my delegation will be required to wear the abaya, as the right to choose one’s attire is the right shared by men and women equally.”