WA News

Proposed parking price hike angers Curtin University students

Curtin University students could be slugged up to $50 a week for parking on campus if increased fees are enforced in 2018.

The Curtin Student Guild successfully fought attempts to increase parking prices in 2017 but the university has flagged its intentions to implement price changes in 2018.

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Parking on campus for students is divided into green and yellow zones - divided by their closeness to main buildings on the campus.

Green zone bays currently cost Curtin students $4 a day, while yellow zones ring in at $6 a day.  

However, under the new proposed changes, parking in the green zone is set to rise to around $5 a day, while yellow zones jump to $9.20 per day.

For full time students who attend classes five days a week, the proposal could result in a $16 increase in weekly parking expenses.



Curtin Student Guild president Liam O'Neill said the university had not properly considered the impact of the increase on some students.

"In various focus groups and studies, our members found that the cost of living is one of the highest issues students face when they attend university," he said.

"Every dollar that they are slugged by the university can often be a burden on them.

"If that difference is enough to go to the grocery store, it becomes quite a bit of money that they're asking students to front up."

Curtin University has been forced to make a number of staff and funding cuts in recent months in order to address its dire financial state, but the university's chief operating officer Ian Callahan said the decision was not influenced by the university's need to recoup its losses.

"Curtin made a commitment to staff that revenue raised from increased parking fees in 2016 would not form part of general revenue of the university and be allocated to support public transport, cycling smart parking and other initiatives related to commuting to and from Curtin," he said.

Rather, the university was aiming to encourage its students to use public transport by matching zone prices, and free up bay use for those who really needed it.

"The cost of parking is targeted to link to the cost of a two-way, two-zone public transport fare in line with the WA Planning Commission strategy," he said.

"Curtin has taken an approach to phase increases in parking over several years to bring the cost up to this level."

Mr O'Neill said the university must consider the circumstances of students who were unable to take public transport as an alternative.

"While they say people should use public transport, they fail to realise public transport also has a significant time factory involved," he said.

"It's about an hour and a half to get to campus from certain parts of Perth, and if you're tightly scheduled- and like many students, studying and then working - this can become an issue. 

"The concession ticket on public transport is only for a student who is studying full time, and as a result, a lot of part time students may have to pay a full time price.

"We would argue for some students, parking is a necessity."

Curtin University parking facilities are currently capped and monitored by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).

A Department of Planning spokesperson said it would continue to aid the university in developing other transport options for its students.

"The WAPC does not have a role in the determination of parking fees," they said. 

"The Department of Planning, on behalf of the WAPC, works with landowners and other stakeholders to ensure balanced consideration of all transport options, including cycling, walking, public transport and parking, in the planning of activity centres."

It is not the first time Curtin University and its students have come to blows over parking options at the university.

Changes introduced last year forced students to pay for parking during exam, study and tuition free weeks, and a petition against the 'Study Tax' collected over 1800 signatures.

While the university reversed its decision to charge parking fees during exam weeks, the campus continued to charge for parking during study weeks.