Author Archives : Scott Kveton

OpenID Foundation Board of Director Nominations Open 4

The OpenID Foundation is holding its first election of community board members. All members of the OpenID Foundation are eligible to nominate themselves, second the nominations of others who self-nominated, and vote for candidates. If you’re not already a member of the OpenID Foundation, we encourage you to join. Board […]

Challenges facing OpenID

Its been an busy week in the world of OpenID. On Friday Ben Laurie announced a security vulnerability around OpenID that relates to existing problems with DNS and certain SSL certificates. Discussions on the OpenID General mailing list have been fruitful and the major OpenID providers out there today have […]

A new chapter in the OIDF 8

The OpenID Foundation has covered a lot of ground in the last 1.5 years since its inception. We consolidated a number of internet identity efforts, built an organization charged with promoting and protecting the efforts of this fantastic community, developed an Intellectual Property Process that will ensure OpenID stays open, […]

Demand OpenID campaign launched 1

The folks over at JanRain have launched This is a great little tool that will help users tell the sites they like how much they really want OpenID. It comes complete with a handy-dandy bookmarklet you install in your browser to quickly tell the world about the sites you […]

OpenID Intellectual Property Policy Approved 8

Its taken us months of effort but I’m happy to announce that the OpenID Foundation has finalized its intellectual property policy and process. During the 12/13/2007 OpenID Foundation board meeting, we approved the IP policy and process documents. The gist of this means that we have a process in place […]