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Information services

Ensure you and your clients receive the latest price and company information straight from the source with ASX Information Services.

Reliable and fast market information is an essential foundation of properly functioning markets. ASX provides a range of pricing and company information through our various products and services, including:

We provide real-time, objective market information to market professionals and distributors – including data vendors, newspapers or web portals, investors and traders, or analysts. ASX’s supply of real-time data is supported by our state-of-the-art technology located in the Australian Liquidity Centre. Make sure you’re getting the information you need when you need it.

Key features

Information direct from the source

Integrated processes ensure you receive the same information that is used by our trading, clearing and settlement systems. That means information transfer is fast and accurate. If it’s happened, you’ll know about it straight away.

Reduces processing costs

ASX market information services are delivered in a variety of formats and delivery channels designed for straight-through processing – enabling you to reduce processing costs, and avoiding data errors and processing delays.

Flexible licensing

ASX provides licensing options for a variety of business models. You can choose the most suitable way to access ASX information for you – whether that’s co-location in the Australian Liquidity Centre or affordable web access to end-of-day data.

Market-leading technology

ASX technology and systems are recognised for their reliability and efficiency. ASX market information services are also supported by the Australian Liquidity Centre helping to deliver a fast and reliable service.