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Become a Participant

ASX operates two trading, clearing and settlement platforms. ASX Trade is for equity and related equity derivative products traded between the hours of 10:00am and 4:00pm (AEST). ASX Trade24 is for a suite of interest rate, equity index and commodity futures (and options on futures) products, traded on a globally distributed 24 hour platform. Accordingly ASX offers two distinct levels of participation based on these two trading platforms.

The value of joining ASX


  • Partner with the one of the most widely recognised and iconic brands in Australia
  • Be part of a unique group of financial service providers
  • Partner with ASX in exclusively branded marketing opportunities
  • Gain promotion via the “Find a Broker” referral service on the ASX website (1.4 million unique visitors per month)


  • Only clients of ASX Participants are afforded protection under the National Guarantee Fund and Fidelity Funds
  • Participation is subject to a strong regulatory regime and a clear set of rules


Provision of electronic access to the Australian equity and derivative markets via a dedicated gateway