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A selection of calculators and tools for investing and trading in various ASX markets can be accessed below.

Disclaimer - ASX calculators & tools are for illustrative purposes and are not intended to be a substitute for financial product advice. Independent advice should be sought from an Australian financial services licensee before making financial product decisions. ASX calculators & tools are populated with data - all of which may be changed by the user. The factors for each calculation can also be varied. The values produced by applying the calculators to different products may differ from the current price of those products, due to market conditions. Where an interest rate is specified, the overnight cash rate is used. Inflation expectations are built into this rate. If a method for present value estimation is not provided, future values do not take into account inflation. To the extent permitted by law, ASX and its employees, officers and contractors are not liable for loss or damage arising in any way (including by way of negligence) from or in connection with the use of ASX calculators & tools or from any one acting or refraining to act in reliance.

ASX bond calculator

The ASX Bond Calculator is used to calculate bond prices and yields for Exchange-traded Australian Government Bonds (AGBs) and other standard fixed interest bonds.

Options calculators


A number of ASX calculators are sourced from Peter Hoadley.

Interest rate futures and options calculators

 Warrants calculators

  • Black-Scholes model without dividends for Equity Call warrants (European and American-style) and European-style Equity Put warrants.
  • Black-Scholes model with dividends calculates theoretical fair value prices of Equity warrants where the stock pays a dividend during the life of the warrant.
  • Binomial model used to value American and European style warrants. However, this model does not provide you with a detailed analysis of the sensitivity coefficients.

Listing fee calculator

The ASX equity listing fee calculator is designed to provide you with a guide to ASXs equity listing fees that apply as of 1 July 2014.

SMSF calculators

  • Retirement calculator allows super investors the ability to see how different strategies will project on their future retirement income.
  • Index chart calculator offers a 40 year performance history of the Australian share market. Investors can model various portfolios to view how different investments in the share market may have performed.
  • Asset class calculator allows you to chart the performance of major asset classes over the last two decades. Investors can use it to help plan their optimal portfolio.