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Understanding ASX ticker codes

Learn about ASX ticker codes and their features.

Name and code changes

View companies that have changed their name and/or ASX code in 2016.

International securities identification number (ISIN) Codes

The International Standards Organisation (ISO) has provided a standard (ISO 6166) for the numbering of securities. This standard is intended for use in any application in the trading and administration of securities.

The ISIN is a code which uniquely identifies a specific securities' issue.

The ISIN consists of:

  • a prefix which is a 2-character alpha country code.
  • a 9-character code which identifies the security.
  • a check character computed using the modulus 10 formula. Download list of ISIN codes

This is an excel file of the complete ISIN directory for ASX listed companies. This file is updated on the first Friday of each month, unless that day is also the first day of the month. In this case, the file will be updated on the following Friday.

Naming conventions and security descriptors for debt and hybrid securities

ASX adopts a standard naming convention for all debt and hybrid securities.  Guidance Note 34 provides an explanation to this convention.

Given that descriptors are used for a variety of applications, ASX distributes three different descriptors for each unique security code.

1. The Long Form Description (maximum length is 50 characters)

2. The Abbriviated Description (maximum length is 18 characters); and

3. The Short Description (maximum length is 8 characters).

"The Guide to the naming conventions and security descriptions" provides a map as to what each description means and the various features that might apply to each security.

Learn more about ASX debt and hybrid security descriptions and access the full list of security descriptions.

Warrant codes

All warrants are issued with a six character ASX code. The individual letters of the code describe some of the main features of the warrant:

  • The first three characters of the code identify the underlying instrument. For most equity and instalment warrants this will be the same as the three letter ASX code of the underlying company shares.
  • The fourth character of the code identifies the type of warrant (see link below).
  • The fifth character of the code identifies the warrant issuer (list of Warrant Issuers and their corresponding fifth letter).
  • The sixth character of the code identifies the particular warrant series. The range A to O  is reserved for call warrants, while the range P to Z  is reserved for put warrants. In addition, the range 1 to 6 is reserved for call and put warrants.

Understanding warrant codes

Status notes

Codes used in trading

ASX 24 commodity codes

ASX 24 contracts are identified using specific commodity codes.