• Successful investing demands cutting-edge investment tools.

    Our objective is to equip traders and investors with state-of-the-art software, education and research facilities.

    View our trading software
  • The Edge for Active Investors

    If you're a short term trader looking to time your entry and exits, ProfitSource's advanced technical analysis platform is the answer.

  • Fundamentals Made Easy!

    If you're a long term investor short on time, the revolutionary fundamental analysis software package ValueGain is the tool for you.

  • The Trading Profits Enhancer

    OptionGear is a sophisticated real-time options analysis and trading program, designed to help you identify the most profitable options strategies through its scanning and searching capabilities.

  • The Ultimate Trade Finder

    By fusing together the elements of fundamental studies, technical analysis, options analysis and consensus figures, IntegratedInvestor allows you to view a stock from every possible direction.

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