Report Abuse

We take reports of abuse very seriously. If you locate questionable content or you’re being harassed, please let us know by reporting the content. We suggest you save a copy of harassing content for your records. You may take a screenshot or print the content. If you feel threatened, notify your local law enforcement immediately. Before you report any content you may want to check out our Terms and User Guidelines.

Found something inappropriate? 

  1. Hover over the connect icon that appears in the upper-right-hand corner of the content
  2. Select Report from the drop down  menu
  3. Select a reason for reporting
  4. Select Report


  1. Hover over the post
  2. Select the X that appears in the upper-right-hand corner 
  3. Select a reason for reporting
  4. Select Report

Report a Profile

  1. Hover over the display image
  2. Hover over the connect icon that appears in the upper-right-hand corner of the image
  3. Select Report
  4. Select a reason for reporting
  5. Select Report

An option to block the member is available when you submit a report, simply check the box for Block User prior to selecting Report.

Fake Profiles

Profiles that are created solely to impersonate someone violate our terms of service and are removed.

  • If you stumble across a profile or image posted of you without your consent, click Report (shown in the image above) and select this is me!
  • If you stumble across a profile pretending to be someone else without their consent, click Report (show in the image above) and select this profile is pretending to be someone else

Copyright + Trademark
If you come across a profile posting your intellectual property, please go to the Copyright & Trademark guide for more information.

Keep in Mind

  • It is better to report the exact content if it is a song, Mix, photo, share, post, etc., along with the profile. Reporting the content will provide us with the profile in question. 
  • Myspace will only take action on content that displays identifying information (e.g. full name, phone number, email address, etc.).
  • If you are a minor, and you know who the person is that is harassing you, please let a parent, teacher, or trusted adult know so they may assist.
  • Please utilize your profile privacy settings in order to control who can view your activities.
  • We will only contact you regarding your report if we require additional information to make a decision. 
  • Myspace will only take action on content that violates our Terms of Use.
  • We will not remove a profile if it shares your name but has no other commonalities
  • Profiles with similar usernames or appearances are not automatic violation
  • Parody, commentary or fan profiles are allowed
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