Ontario's Top News Story
  • Ontario targets high-billing doctors in new budget
    Ontario is looking to target high-billing specialists as it proposes a new three-year budget for physician services that would also see more money for family doctors.
  • The ONW Salon:  Will The Working Class Lash Out In Canada Too?
    Donald Trump has promised to bring back jobs for the working class in the U.S., many of whom feel they have been betrayed by years of wealth inequality. Inequality has been a major theme here in Canada too. What are the federal Liberals in Canada doing to equalize wealth in Canada, and is it enough to avoid a backlash by the besieged working classes that brought about Brexit, Trump and other election upsets like that in Italy? Richard Mahoney, Will Stewart and Tom Parkin debate.

Ontario's Hottest Political Issues On Podcast

Scroll down to see the latest interviews, shows, mini-documentaries and stories on podcast from ONW.

The ONW Interview: NDP Leader Andrea Horwath

Premier Wynne's new transit panel shows a key difference between the two politicians, Howath tells Susanna Kelley. Actions, not endless talk, will differentiate them next election.

The ONW Insiders: Hershell Ezrin, Howard Hampton and Jeff Bangs

While the OPP investigates deleted emails from top McGuinty aides in the gas plant scandal, the Insiders step back to assess each leader's performance this sitting

The ONW Insiders: Hershell Ezrin, Howard Hampton and Jeff Bangs.

PC leader Tim Hudak wants to know if a list of fee increases on or off the table for Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne. The ONW Insiders with host Susanna Kelley.

Gambate: Inside Mike Harris' Common Sense Revolution

He grew up in poverty yet as a minister brought in the toughest welfare reforms in Ontario history. David Tsubouchi tells ONW about his new book and being at the epicentre of the CSR

The ONW Insiders: Taxes, Tolls and Transit

Will Ontario agree to HST and gas tax hikes to raise $34 billion over 20 years to fight GTHA gridlock? Insiders Hershell Ezrin, Howard Hampton and John Parker on Metrolinx's recommendations.

The ONW Insiders, Part 1: The NDP-Liberal Budget Deal

Hershell Ezrin, Jeff Bangs and Howard Hampton on whether NDP budget wins are an example of might over right, or democratic, compromise minority government politics at its finest?

The ONW Insiders, Part 2: Rob Ford Crack Allegations

Will reports of a video allegedly showing Toronto's mayor smoking crack do in Ford Nation? ONW Insiders Hershell Ezrin, Jeff Bangs and Howard Hampton with host Susanna Kelley.

The ONW Insiders, Part 1: Hershell Ezrin, Howard Hampton, Jeff Bangs

Former Premier Dalton McGuinty says he made the decision to shutter the Mississauga gas plant. But how likely is it he made the eleventh-hour election choice alone?

The ONW Insiders, Part 2: Hershell Ezrin, Howard Hampton, Jeff Bangs

Former Premier Dalton McGuinty cancelled the Mississauga gas plant in mid-campaign without knowing the cost. How often are important policy decisions made on the fly?

The ONW Insiders: Ontario Budget 2013

More money for home care, jobs for youth, lower car insurance rates ... John Snobelen, Howard Hampton and Bob Richardson on whether the Liberals can successfully woo the NDP and avoid an election.

The ONW Insiders: What Kind Of Budget Does Ontario Need?

The Liberals' May 2nd budget may win NDP support, but is it what Ontario needs? Former PC Premier Ernie Eves, Liberal Bob Richardson and former NDP leader Howard Hampton debate.

The ONW Insiders, Part 1: Justin Trudeau's First Week

Justin Trudeau made his debut as Liberal leader in Ottawa this week. He stuck to his theme of championing the middle class. Ezrin, Hampton and Bangs on the strategy behind that.

The ONW Insiders, Part 2: Justin Trudeau's First Week

When Justin Trudeau fights the next election, the battlegrounds are clear: seats in Ontario's "905" belt and Quebec. Ezrin, Hampton and Bangs on what he needs to do to win.

The ONW Insiders: Big Gamble on Big Move

Fuel tax? Highway tolls? Metrolinx has released ideas on how to pay for new transit. Can Kathleen Wynne sell voters on paying more? Ezrin, Hampton and Bangs on her Big Gamble on The Big Move.

The ONW Insiders: The Rob Ford Bombshell

The Toronto Star alleges the Toronto Mayor has a drinking problem that has been an open secret at city hall. Ezrin, Bangs and Hampton on when the private becomes a legitimate public concern.

The ONW Insiders: Is The Fix In For A Toronto Casino?

Premier Wynne has pulled two Ontario Lottery and Gaming officials in to demand Toronto won't get a special casino deal. Hershell Ezrin, Jeff Bangs and Howard Hampton on that.

The ONW Insiders: Is the Political Pendulum Swinging Left?

Justin Trudeau signs up 150,000 supporters; Almost 61 per cent of Ontarians prefer the Liberals or the NDP. We ask Ezrin, Snobelen and Hampton: are Canadians moving left?

The ONW Insiders: Tim Hudak's Big Hard Right Gamble, Part 1

Ontario a Right To Work province. 10,000 education workers cut. Can going hard right win the next election for the PC's? Ezrin, Snobelen and Hampton on Tim Hudak's big gamble.

The ONW Insiders: Tim Hudak's Big Hard Right Gamble, Part 2

Cracking down hard on unions, cutting welfare payments. Tim Hudak is gambling it all on going hard right. Ezrin, Snobelen and Hampton on whether it's a winning strategy.

The ONW Insiders: The Gas Plant Affair

The PC's and NDP have been hammering the Liberals for months over the gas plant affair. How seriously is it affecting the Wynne government? Insiders Ezrin, Snobelen and Ferreira's surprise take.

The ONW Insiders: Throne Speech Strategies

The Speech may buy Premier Wynne time and distance from Liberal scandals. But what are Tim Hudak's and Andrea Horwath's Throne Speech strategies? Ezrin, Hampton and Bangs weigh in.

The ONW Insiders: The New Ontario Cabinet

What message do Kathleen Wynne's new cabinet picks send about where she's taking Ontario? Queen's Park experts Marie Bountrogianni, John Snobelen and Sheila White give us their take.
Ontario's Opinion Leaders
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Anger over lost jobs is being blamed for voting upsets in the U.S., Britain and Italy. Are the Liberals here doing enough for the working class? Mahoney, Stewart and Parkin debate.
December 14, 2016
The Liberals have launched a survey to gauge Canadians' views on electoral reform. Is the government serious about it, and if so, is proportional representation a real option? Mahoney, Capobianco and
December 06, 2016
His pledge to rip up NAFTA makes the future of Canada-U.S. trade unknown. But many jobs in Trump-supporting states depend heavily on exports to Canada, observes Randall White.
December 05, 2016
Are massive anti-trade campaigns the way to go in the wake of the U.S. election? Brad James says better to get more employees into unions in the first place.
November 30, 2016
The PM called the former Cuban dictator a "remarkable" and "larger than life" leader, drawing caustic criticism. Mahoney, Capobianco and Parkin on whether the comments were appropriate.
November 29, 2016
NAFTA. Keystone XL. Climate Change. What does a Trump presidency mean to Canada, and what will be the hot issues between the two countries? Mahoney, Capobianco and Parkin are in the Salon.
November 23, 2016
With low poll numbers and a shaky by-election record, some are predicting Kathleen Wynne will not be able to survive in the age of a Donald Trump presidency.
November 21, 2016
Sometimes in politics, it makes sense to hold your nose and vote to stop the house burning down. That was true not just in the most recent US election but in a few Canadian instances as well, writes T
November 14, 2016
The Liberals are targeting for 300,000 immigrants for 2017- a 40,000 increase. Is it the right amount? What about anti-immigrant backlash? Mahoney, Capobianco and Parkin debate.
November 02, 2016
"Pay for play" fundraising has become a huge issue in the U.S., Ontario and Ottawa. What would a better system look like? We asked Farber, McCreadie and Parkin.
October 26, 2016
The CETA negotiations appear to be hanging by a thread, and it's unclear whether the entire deal will be derailed. Randall White explores the effect on Ontario.
October 24, 2016
The carbon tax championed by PM Justin Trudeau is an environmentally responsible move that future generations will thank us for, writes Terri Chu.
October 21, 2016
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