
VCE 2016 honour roll: Are you a 40-plus student?

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School has come to an end for the almost 50,000 VCE students of 2016. After the arduous exam period and the long wait for results, the results are finally in. Now, attention turns to the high achievers; students who scored 40 or more in at least one study area.

Today Fairfax Media publishes the names of more than 14,000 students who scored 40 or more, and gave permission for their names to be made public. Search on schools and students below to see who received 40+ scores this year.


Congratulations from the Minister

Congratulations to all of the students recognised in today's supplement for their outstanding results in the 2016 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE).

A study score of 40+ is a great achievement, and clearly demonstrates that you put in the hard yards and showed great resilience and focus to achieve your success.

I have no doubt that your parents, teachers and friends are very proud of you, and I want to thank all of those parents and teachers across Victoria who have provided guidance and support to help make your achievement possible.

Nearly 50,000 Victorian students are graduating this year and I congratulate every single one of you on this important milestone in your lives. It is an accomplishment you should be extremely proud of.

Whatever your study score or ATAR, it is important to recognise that VCE, while important, is only one step in your life journey. There have never been more opportunities and pathways available, including higher education, TAFE, traineeships and full-time work, and I urge you to fully explore your options and take full advantage of them.

Whatever path you take, I wish you every success next year.

James Merlino MP, Minister for Education