In search of a Slumdog Millionaire cricketer in India

In search of a Slumdog Millionaire cricketer in India

Mumbai: Our guide, Rakesh, asks five boys to name their favourite cricketer. Three answer "Virat Kohli". No surprises there. "Sachin Tendulkar," says another. Only one votes for India's most worshipped cricketer. "Gautam Gambhir," offers the smallest, plucking out a name that will surprise even the man himself.

We are in Dharavi slum, a half-hour train ride on the Western Line from the Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai, where Kohli will captain India this week in the fourth Test against England. Many of the supporters who walk to the Wankhede on Thursday morning will pass one of Mumbai's maidans, where hundreds of cricketers can be playing at any one time on public pitches.

Tough life: The Dharavi slum.

Tough life: The Dharavi slum.Credit:Getty Images

Maidan means 'playing ground' in the local Marathi language. A playground is a distant dream for the children among the estimated one million people who live in Dharavi, a slum the size of 500 football pitches where it is reckoned there are 510,000 people per square kilometre.

When you walk through the tight alleyways of Dharavi, your shoulders brush the walls on both sides. It is almost pitch black in the middle of the day as little sunlight penetrates the tiny gaps between corrugated metal roofs and tangle of wires that overhang the streets. There is hardly any sanitation (around 7000 lavatories for one million people) and open drains run down the alleys, so the smell of sewage is in the air. The few drains in Dharavi discharge sewage into a stream that bisects the slum.

India cricket star Sachin Tendulkar.

India cricket star Sachin Tendulkar.Credit:AP

"This is our swimming pool," jokes Rakesh. Clean water is available for only around three hours per day and diseases such as dengue fever, dysentery and malaria are rife. Around 89 per cent of deaths in Dharavi are caused by respiratory problems mainly due to air pollution.

Imagine being a child growing up in Dharavi. Rakesh takes us to the one tiny strip of open ground, about a few feet across and the length of a quarter of a football field. It lies hidden amid the shacks processing goat hides. Goats awaiting their fate are roaming across it, nibbling at rubbish.

"This is for cricket," says Rakesh. "If any boy is not playing cricket in Dharavi then he is not considered a proper boy. This area has been saved for cricket."

It was on a guided tour like this to Dharavi in 2009 that a British tourist and club cricketer stumbled across some schoolchildren playing cricket. Vic Mills, now 65 and a former sports journalist, was in Mumbai hoping the city would help inspire a writing project he was working on. Instead, he was inspired to do something that would become almost a full-time job.

"I managed to catch the eye of one of the school kids and we had an impromptu net," says Mills. "The bat they were using was full size but had been worn down to half its original size. By the time I had got back to my hotel, I thought the least they deserve is some kit."

Mills contacted a local company that runs the trips to Dharavi. It led to the formation of a charity called Project Front Foot and eight years later Mills has shipped three tonnes of cricket equipment to Mumbai for use by the Dharavi slum kids.

He has just returned from his latest run, delivering cricket equipment to Mumbai and schools in rural Maharashta, the latest expansion of his project. "It was an accidental meeting with those kids. If I had not met those kids I would not be having this conversation with you now. Eight years later, the script I was working on is still gathering dust, but this project has gone from strength to strength."

Clubs around the UK have donated old equipment for a new lease of life in Dharavi. Nottingham Tennis Centre supplies 800 balls used in its pre-Wimbledon tournament.

If any boy is not playing cricket in Dharavi then he is not considered a proper boy.

Rakesh, tour guide

From that one chance meeting between a cricket fan and schoolchildren playing with a worn bat, a formal cricket academy has been established for Dharavi that is working with boys at under-16 level.

Mills provides the bats and balls. The company that provides the tours to the slum, Reality Tours and Travel, runs the cricket academy through its offshoot NGO Reality Gives, alongside its other work in Dharavi providing education projects.

They even have a cricket ground. The venue is the Indian Gymkhana club, a partnership Mills was able to establish through a local contact.

The word "Gymkhana" conjures images of gin and tonics and wicker chairs. Not this one.

This Indian Gymkhana is 84 years old and one of the few patches of land left in Mumbai that has not been grabbed and built on. The ground is brown, barren and there is little grass. It is passable for coaching sessions but for matches the academy shifts to Shivaji Park, where a young Tendulkar played. The company that organises tourist trips to Dharavi uses the money from this to help the projects run by Reality Giving, which include educational programmes and English classes. The children must be at school to qualify for the cricket programme, which is provided free. "

One of the cricket coaches is Harshad Bhojnaik, who played for Mumbai at junior level and spends the English summer turning out for Bristol Indians. He splits around 40 children at the session into two groups. The younger ones are uncoordinated, struggling to bowl with a straight arm. But next to them is the group Bhojnaik has been working with for longer. They bowl quick, hit straight and know how to play.

"A lot of the kids are from pretty basic backgrounds and very humble homes but although it is a poor area, there is a great spirit of determination," says Bhojnaik. "We have excellent cricket talent. We are just trying to develop them. I don't just want cricketers, I want smart cricketers. My aim is to produce cricketers who play for Mumbai and for India. But it is not just for good cricket players. We see them all improving and enjoying themselves. The equipment makes a huge difference. We get all the right clothes and make them look like gentleman cricketers."

To donate equipment or for more information visit or contact

Telegraph, London

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