Justin Wolfers

Nonresident Senior Fellow

Justin Wolfers, nonresident senior fellow, has been associated with the Peterson Institute for International Economics since September 2014. He is professor of economics and professor of public policy at the University of Michigan. He is also visiting professor of economics at the University of Sydney, research associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research, research fellow with the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn, research affiliate with the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London, international research fellow with the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, and fellow at CESifo in Munich. He was previously visiting professor at Princeton University, associate professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, assistant professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business, and economist with the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Wolfers's research focuses on labor economics, macroeconomics, political economy, law and economics, social policy, and behavioral economics. Beyond research, he is a contributing columnist for the New York Times, a blogger for Freakonomics, and a commentator for Public Radio's Marketplace program. He is also a popular teacher, with many teaching awards to his name.

Wolfers earned his PhD in economics in 2001 from Harvard University and was a Fulbright, Knox, and Menzies Scholar. He earned his undergraduate degree in economics in his native Australia at the University of Sydney in 1994, winning the University Medal.

Recent Content

Event Recap
Justin Wolfers (PIIE), Jacob Funk Kirkegaard (PIIE), Michael Strain (American Enterprise Institute), Damon Silvers (AFL-CIO) and Mark T. Bertolini (Aetna)
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RealTime Economic Issues Watch
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