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10 tips for getting your home organised for the New Year

If your New Year's resolution includes being more organised, read on.If your New Year's resolution includes being more organised, read on. Photo: An Organised Life

There’s always a certain spark that comes with a new year. It’s when new resolutions are made, new ideas are formed and new ways are welcomed.

So in the spirit of new beginnings, we have teamed up with Beck Wadworth, of the stationery and lifestyle brand An Organised Life, who has shared with us her tips on how to clean up our act when it comes to our homes.

Here are her tips for a more organised lifestyle. 

1. Declutter your life

Focusing on one room at a time, go through and declutter all your drawers, closets and shelves. If you don’t need it, get rid of it. You will feel so refreshed once this is completed.

2. Give everything a home

When organising your space, It’s important that everything has an allocated home. This system will help maintain your fresh, organised home a lot easier.

3. Create new storage solutions

The new year is the perfect time to invest in a new storage system for your office, wardrobe and kitchen. From a labelled plastic container to hold all your baking goods, to a new box to host all your bills that need to be paid on your nominated “bills day” each week – get organised by taking your storage solutions to the next level in 2017. 

Photo: An Organised Life

4. File away

Creating your own system for filing and organising your documents at home is a very personal thing, so make sure you take the time to create a system and strategy that suits you – then commit to it for the whole year!

5. Re-stock

January is the best time to go through your pantry and cupboards to check what needs to be re-stocked. Throw anything out that has expired. Once you have made a thorough list of everything you need, save yourself time by ordering a delivery of all the goodies from your local supermarket. 

6. Organise your wardrobe

There is nothing better than an organised wardrobe! It makes getting dressed a million times less stressful. Create an order in your wardrobe that works for you. For example: arrange in categories and then by colour. Tops (black, white, blue, grey), Dresses (black, white, blue, grey), Pants (black, white, blue, grey) etc. Also, make sure you fold all your knitwear to give them longevity and to avoid them stretching. If there are pieces you no longer want, donate them to charity or sell them on eBay. 

Photo: An Organised Life

7. Invest in a wall calendar

Organise your life by investing in a wall calendar (shop the An Organised Life one here) that everyone in your home can use to write down events, reminders and appointments. 

8. Clean, clean, clean

It’s crazy how quickly our lives can become so fast-paced and hectic after the festive holiday season. Take the time to do one big clean at the start of January – focusing on all the small things you sometimes don’t get time to do. For example: cleaning windows, polishing silver, dusting skirting boards, wiping down bathroom cabinets, doorknobs and light switches etc. 

9. Refresh

The start of a new year is great time to take those staples in your home to be refreshed/dry-cleaned ready for the year to come! From your cushion covers and blankets to your curtains and duvet covers – make sure your air them out or get them professionally dry-cleaned so they are in tip-top shape. 

10. Dress up your space 

New Year, new you! Take the time to look at your space and update any little bits and pieces that are outdated, broken or just need to go! Having an inspiring space will make your feel a lot happier and relaxed. Treat yourself. 

Photo: An Organised Life

To help you launch in to 2017 with an organised mindset, we’re giving away one amazing gift pack from An Organised Life, including a beautiful 2017 diary, watch, calendar, notepad and to-do lists, all in the brand’s signature minimal and monochrome aesthetic. The perfect addition to your home work space and essentials for organising your everyday life. To be in the running to WIN this incredible prize, head over to our Instagram post below for more instructions.


We’ve teamed up with @anorganisedlife to get the best tips in the business on how to get organised and create a fresh home for the new year. To help you launch in to 2017 with an organised mindset, we’re giving away one amazing gift pack from An Organised Life, including a beautiful 2017 diary, watch, calendar, notepad and to-do lists, all in the brand’s signature minimal and monochrome aesthetic. The perfect addition to your home work space and essentials for organising your everyday life. To be in the running to WIN this incredible prize, tag your most organised friend in the caption below and share your best tip for getting the home organised in the new year.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ The competition is open to Australian residents from 14.12.2016 – Midnight on the 18.12.2016. Domain will select the most creative entry and one winner will be contacted on Monday 19.12.2016.

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