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Clementine Ford
Columnist for . Just some feminist with bared tattoos. Clear eyes, full hearts. Can't lose. 'FIGHT LIKE A GIRL' out with Allen & Unwin in 2016!
Clementine Ford 3h
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Clementine Ford 3h
Happy birthday!
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Clementine Ford 17h
No I didn't write this. Ijeoma Oluo did.
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Clementine Ford retweeted
Mary Who? Bookshop Sep 15
Clementine Ford is touring Fight Like A Girl to Townsville, Tuesday 4 October -$5- book now.
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Clementine Ford Sep 15
Wrong Clementine! You want x
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Clementine Ford Sep 15
Like most racists, Trump supporters hate having the reality of their racism named.
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Clementine Ford retweeted
Ijeoma Oluo Sep 14
I WAS NOT JOKING. When I Said All Trump Supporters Are White Supremacists, I Meant It via
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Clementine Ford retweeted
Allen & Unwin Sep 14
Adelaide event now SOLD OUT. Here's where else you'll find
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
I recommend watching on Monday to watch the best of all love stories between and Beccy Cole.
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
But hypocrisy isn't unusual when discussing marriage and traditional values I guess.
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Lou Heinrich Sep 14
Join me Tues Oct 18 for a conversation w about her new book, :
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
(I'm a hypocritical marriage abolitionist though because I love weddings. Mainly for the free booze, but also for the interpretive dancing.)
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
For the record, I'm a marriage abolitionist. But until none of us do it, all of us should be able to.
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
In Australia, 3/4 of all marriage ceremonies are performed by a civil rather than religious celebrant but yes, let's let the ACL decide.
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
Church marriages have actually only been sanctioned for the last 500 years but yes, it's just the way it's always been.
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
Love marriages in Anglo societies actually only date back to the Victorian era but sure it's about tradition.
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
Marriage is an institution rooted in maintaining wealth and control of women so yes in that sense it is cornerstone of society I guess.
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
I don't think Bolt should have been allowed to get married, being a cylon. And one of the bad ones too, not the narrative surprise one.
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
Hey where did you get your chic halo from? Was it one of the gay shops?
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Clementine Ford Sep 14
First they came for the paranoid Conservative homophobes. And I did not speak, for I didn't care.
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