Where is Sydney's housing development happening? Just look at this map ...

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This is the chart the NSW government says is evidence of the resilience of Sydney's housing market.

The chart shows the locations in which the record volume of new properties approved in Sydney last year will be built .

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MPs tackle housing affordability

Scott Morrison summons all the state treasurers to Canberra to tackle the housing affordability crisis.

According to NSW Treasury, the spread of the dwellings across the city marks Sydney's property boom as different from Melbourne's and Brisbane's.

In those cities, apartments have been concentrated in central business districts.

But the chart also depicts the concentration of development in areas to Sydney's west - and not in Sydney's relatively affluent inner west, eastern suburbs, lower north or northern suburbs.

The exception is the City of Sydney area, where almost 6000 new dwellings were approved in the year to the end of October.


"Sydney's unprecedented boost in housing stock is more geographically dispersed," Treasury said in its mid-year budget review, released on Tuesday.

Planning Minister Rob Stokes has said the state government is encouraging housing in areas where it is providing new infrastructure.

Blacktown, for instance, which takes in areas covered by the new Sydney Metro Northwest rail line, was the second highest council area in terms of dwelling approvals.

The government's chart has not been updated to reflect the merged council boundaries.

The other local government areas, or former areas, in which more than 2500 dwellings were approved in the year to October are all in Sydney's west or north-west: The Hills, Parramatta, Penrith, Liverpool, Ryde, Camden, and Auburn.

In contrast, there were less than 500 dwellings approved in waterside areas such as Woollahra, Waverley and Randwick, Canada Bay or Hunter's Hill, or Mosman, Manly or Pittwater.

The figures do not take into account existing neighbourhood densities.

It is understood that government agencies have been working on a package of measures to improve housing affordability in Sydney.

The measures have not been announced, though the Treasurer, Gladys Berejiklian, indicated on Tuesday that something would occur.

"If I see a proposal, or an opportunity, where we can offer further relief of course we'll do that, we are in a position to do that," Ms Berejiklian said.

"We know as a government we can and will do more. We are looking at opportunities we have to address that issue," she said.

But Ms Berejiklian said the government wanted to ensure that any new policies did not have "unintended consequences."

"The last thing I want to do as Treasurer is take a decision which has the opposite impact of putting upward pressure on prices."

Labor's planning spokesman and acting Opposition Leader, Michael Daley, criticised the spread of approvals.

"Sydney's growth must be distributed fairly so we don't create suburbs and communities that are groaning under the strain of over-development," Mr Daley said.

"Mike Baird thinks the responsibility of western Sydney is to accommodate the lion's share of density and he is letting places like the Northern Beaches and the city's eastern suburbs, in places like Woollahra, as well as northern Sydney – both of which have a heavy rail line – get off scot free."

But a spokesman for the Planning Minister said the "assertion that Sydney's housing growth is disproportionately focused on the city's west is simply untrue".

"More than half of Sydney's forecast housing growth between now and 2021 will be east of Parramatta, with 93,450 homes. That's more than Western Sydney's forecast increase of 90,850 homes," the spokesman said.
