WA News

McGowan 'must end doublespeak' on Rockingham canals

Community groups have accused opposition leader Mark McGowan of "evasion and doublespeak" ahead of the state election, demanding he clarify his stance on the proposed Mangles Bay Marina and canal housing estate.

The issue has been a contentious one in Mr McGowan's home seat of Rockingham for years and protest group Hands off Point Peron is pushing for information on how he will deal with it.

Developers have applied to rezone a 105-hectare land parcel at Point Peron, about half of which is zoned as Bush Forever, to allow excavation of a marina and canal housing estate, filled via a channel dredged from Mangles Bay.

The group wants to see it protected as a coastal park and tourist attraction, concerned about the environmental wisdom of canal developments, which are banned in some states.

Taxpayers recently footed the $28 million bill to fix the disaster was Busselton's Port Geographe marina.

But the proposal has gained the necessary environmental approvals. 


Mr McGowan says he wants a marina "either at Point Peron or elsewhere" to facilitate tourism and jobs, but "would like to make it crystal clear that I do not support the development of canals".

But it was Mr McGowan who led the charge in 2003 to develop the proposal, and it was his "frequent representations" to the infrastructure minister of the day that secured $250,000 in government funding for a feasibility study. 

Concept plans emerged three years later showing residential canal lots alongside the marina.

Mr McGowan told WAtoday this week he had "never supported canals" but there was no indication he ever voiced opposition to this design until quite recently, despite documents from that time showing he knew of the plans.  

"He is trying to disconnect himself from this word canals, now a toxic word in Rockingham," said Hands off Point Peron spokeswoman Dawn Jecks.

Furthermore, the community group says it has received legal advice suggesting that the channel dredged from Mangles Bay to the marina will itself constitute a canal.

"The official definition of a canal is an artificial waterway allowing the passage of boats from the sea," Hands off Point Peron spokeswoman Dawn Jecks said.

"Mr McGowan is suggesting to people we can have a marina without doing that.

"This is a matter of public interest. We will not roll over. There is huge opposition to this. He needs to be upfront with his constituents."

Mr McGowan was asked if he would push for a modification of the proposal if he won office, or if he would push for the alternative Port Rockingham proposal in place for Wanliss Street, but he did not respond to this question.

Craig Buchanan, federal Liberal candidate for Brand earlier this year, is now standing as an independent against Mr McGowan, having firmly opposed the Liberals' support for Mangles Bay Marina.

"I can safely say that in the course of the eight-week campaign I wouldn't have come across more than a bare handful of people in the immediate vicinity who were in favour of the canals, but I have lost count of those who wanted to see the area upgraded and preserved as an environmental treasure," he said.  

"I know better than most, having knocked the doors of Safety Bay and Shoalwater during the recent campaign, how opposed local residents of all political inclinations are."

He pointed out that Commonwealth originally sold the land to the state in the 1960s on the caveat the entire area be kept for public parkland and ultimately become a Class 'A' nature reserve.

"In addition to which, I've always taken the personal view that we entered into an agreement with the Commonwealth when we took control of the land, and regardless of the legal standing of that agreement, we have a moral obligation to adhere to its spirit, which clearly stated that no part of Point Peron would be used for commercial or residential purposes," he said.

Mr Buchanan said the Environmental Protection Authority recently recommended the developer behind the alternative Port Rockingham proposal have their deadline to start works extended to 2020.

"Unlike the Point Peron/Mangles Bay proposal, Port Rockingham has a negligible environmental footprint, and would feed directly into existing businesses along the Rockingham foreshore," he said.

"It would provide 500 accessible berths, and allow us to pursue a Coastal Park at Point Peron in keeping with both the spirit and the letter of the original land transfer from the Commonwealth ... a win-win."

Mr McGowan has recently said he fears state and federal governments have weakened development conditions placed on the marina, risking a repeat of the Port Geographe mess.

The developer's flawed breakwater design caused the 20-metre erosion of Wonnerup beach and the accumulation of dead seagrass that hampered boat movement and decomposed to create a stink that reached health hazard levels

Point Peron's proponent Cedar Woods has defended the environmental credentials of its development

The WA Planning Commission will be considering a report on the public submissions and hearings before forwarding its recommendation to the Planning Minister Donna Faragher. The proposal would then have to pass through the Governor and both Houses of Parliament.

HOPP has an uphill battle on its hands if it wants to give Mr McGowan problems at the election, with Labor increasing its margin to 11.4 per cent at the last election and Mr McGowan being elected on primary votes.