WA News

Cyclists admit to mobile phone use and riding 'under the influence'

One in three WA cyclists use their mobile phone while riding and a similar portion admitted to taking to their bikes while under the influence of alcohol - a new study on "risky riding" behaviour found.

The findings are contained in a new research paper from Curtin University in which researchers surveyed 262 WA cyclists between March last year and April this year. 

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It has prompted calls for education and intervention strategies to be better targeted towards these sorts of cyclists.

Of those surveyed, 143 were "non group" cyclists while 119 considered themselves "group riders" - and it was those who don't ride in groups that were more likely to engage in phone use and drinking.

The survey found 35.9 per cent of the non group riders reported using a mobile phone while riding, compared to 31 per cent of group riders.

A higher proportion of non-group cyclists (33.3 per cent) said they had cycled while under the influence of alcohol in the last year while 17 per cent of group cyclists admitted to this.


Cyclists who participated in group rides were also asked if they ever used a mobile phone or rode under the influence of alcohol while actually riding in a group setting. 

Only 2.5 per cent reported using a mobile phone while group riding and just 1.7 per cent said they had ridden in a group while under the influence.

"These findings suggest that cyclists who participate in group riding may develop safety habits that reduce their risk of engaging in certain risky, or distracting behaviours," the study paper said.

"This implies that group riding participation has greater benefits for safety...and it may be beneficial for governments to promote and support group riding."

The findings form part of a much wider study on cyclists which is still underway at Curtin University.

Researchers have been interviewing riders involved in crashes in hospital and have recruited cyclists to wear GoPros on their helmets to record their interactions with other motorists.

According to the Road Safety Commission "cyclists must adhere to the same mobile phone laws as all other vehicle drivers or riders."

Figures show 28 cyclists have died on WA roads between 2010 and 2015. Last year, four cyclists were killed, two of whom were not wearing helmets.

Bicycling WA chief executive Jeremey Murray said he was surprised with the findings.

"I'm incredibly disappointed that people would choose to do this sort of risky behaviour while riding a bike," he said.

"Its no different to driving a car.

"If bike riders want respect, they need to abide by the rules.

"But it's almost, in a way, a reflection of the general population."