Books and Other Projects by John Scalzi

You may have heard: I write books. Here’s what I’ve published.

The Old Man’s War Novels

This series of books is what I’m currently best known for.

Old Man’s War (2005)
The Ghost Brigades (2006)
The Last Colony (2007)
Zoe’s Tale (2008)
The Human Division (2013)
The End of All Things (2015)

Old Man’s War, The Last ColonyZoe’s Tale were each nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in their respective years. Zoe’s Tale was additionally nominated for the Andre Norton Award for Best Young Adult Science Fiction/Fantasy. The Ghost Brigades was nominated for the Prometheus Award. Old Man’s War was the winner of the Geffen Award in Israel; The Last Colony the recipient of the Seiun Award in Japan.

Old Man’s War was ranked #1 on the reader poll of the best science fiction and fantasy novels of 2000 – 2010, and #1 on the Locus Online reader poll of the best science fiction novels of the 21st Century. It is listed on the reader poll of the Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books/Series.

Other Novels

These are stand-alone novels.

Agent to the Stars (2005)
The Android’s Dream (2006)
Fuzzy Nation (2011)
Redshirts: A Novel With Three Codas (2012)
Lock In (2014)
The Collapsing Empire (upcoming 2017)

Redshirts won the Hugo Award for Best Novel, the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel, and the RT Booklovers’ Critics Choice Award. The Android’s Dream was the winner of the Kurd Lasswitz Preis in Germany and the Seiun Award in Japan. The Audiobook version of Fuzzy Nation won the Audie Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. Lock In won the Alex Award and was a finalist for the Locus and Campbell Awards.

Novellas, Novelettes and Short Story Chapbooks

Shorter works, usually published in special limited editions for fans and collectors. This is an incomplete list, limited to works for which physical copies were published.

Questions for a Soldier (2005; short story chapbook)
The Sagan Diary (2007; novelette)
How I Proposed to My Wife: An Alien Sex Story (2007; short story chapbook)
The God Engines (2009; novella)
Judge Sn Goes Golfing (2009; short story chapbook)
Unlocked: An Oral History of Haden’s Syndrome (2014; novella)
The Dispatcher (upcoming 2016; novella)

The God Engines was nominated for both the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award for Best Novella.


Collections to which I have contributed.

METAtropolis (2008; story: “Utere Nihil Non Extra Quiritationem Suis”)
The New Space Opera 2 (2009; story: “The Tale of the Wicked”)
21st Century Science Fiction (2013; story: “The Tale of the Wicked”)
Black Tide Rising (2016; story: “On the Wall,” co-written with David Klecha)
Mash Up (2016; story: “Muse of Fire”)
Loose Lips (2016; story: “Malcolm Long”)
Miniatures: The Very Short Fiction of John Scalzi (upcoming 2016)

METAtropolis, for which I was also the editor, was originally published in audiobook form and in that format was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form.

Non-Fiction Works

I wrote non fiction before I started writing fiction and have kept doing so.

The Rough Guide to Money Online (2000)
The Rough Guide to the Universe (2003, 2nd edition 2008)
The Book of the Dumb (2003)
The Book of the Dumb 2 (2004)
The Rough Guide to Sci-Fi Movies (2005)
You’re Not Fooling Anyone When You Take Your Laptop to a Coffee Shop: Scalzi on Writing (2007)
Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded: A Decade of Whatever, 1998–2008 (2008)
24 Frames Into the Future: Scalzi on Science Fiction Film (2012)
The Mallet of Loving Correction: Selected Writings, 2008 – 2012 (2013)

Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded won the Hugo Award in the category of Best Related Book.

Each of these is available on,,, iTunes and If you have a favorite local bookstore, however, consider purchasing these books there. It’s fun to support local businesses.

Other Projects

Midnight Rises (2015): An interactive graphic novel for mobile platforms, currently available on iTunes.

Midnight Star (2015): A first person shooter video game for mobile platforms, currently available on iTunes.

Music for Headphones (2015): Electronic music album, available via streaming and download services.