New Books and ARCs, 12/2/16

Whoa. It’s December, folks. How did that happen?

(Yes, I know. Go to November and keep heading on through.)

Here’s this week’s new books and ARCs. Anything here look tempting to you? Tell everyone in the comments!

21 thoughts on “New Books and ARCs, 12/2/16

  1. I love it when I see my blog / podcast listening streams get crossed. Been listening to Tom Merrit’s tech news for years on TWIT and now on his own. Still need to crack open Pilot X.

  2. A new Boyett novel?! Also, Mastai’s novel’s blurb caught my eye a while back; I’m wondering if it’ll annoy me, but I like a lot about the premise.

  3. I own Empire of Imagination in hardcover. It’s an excellent biography of Gary Gygax, the man who almost single-handedly saved me from living a normal life…

  4. My kids would love the new HiLo book. I’m pretty sure they’ve read at least one of the previous two.

  5. Hmm. Gregory McDonald died in 2008. Is this a reissue of his 1980 book “Who Killed Toby Rinaldi”, also called “Snatched?”

  6. I am pretty much always gleeful about Hard Case Crime books; their whole concept is awesome. (And I just read a much older one of theirs called “The Corpse Wore Pasties” that has left me quite enthusiastic about reading more stuff they’ve published.)

  7. @Kate: Yes, it looks like a release of two old McDonald books in a single edition – one of which is Snatched/Who Took Toby Rinaldi?

    McDonald had one of the weirdest career arcs ever. He peaked with his second novel (Fletch) and then just kept going downhill for book after book. Toby was his forth or fifth novel, and one of the last ones I liked.

  8. Empire of Imagination was a great thing for me to read as I grew up in the 80’s playing (and being greatly influenced by) D&D. Enjoy!

  9. All Our Wrong Todays is a fantastic novel. Read the ARC and immediately looked for an opportunity to buy a signed first edition…Vroman’s on February 9.

  10. Holy grimcracks; Tom Merritt has been ‘officially’ published? I am so far behind on geek-world news I may never catch up. I need to find a new job that lets me listen to podcasts and watch Youtube all day.

  11. I feel a bit sad when one of these comes up and I not only haven’t heard of any of the books, I haven’t even heard of any of the authors (at least, not clearly enough to remember). This isn’t the first time.

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