Taxation in Pakistan

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Pakistan's Current Taxation system is defined by Income Tax Ordinance 2001, promulgated on 13 September 2001, which became effective from 1 July 2002.


Income Tax Act of 1922[edit]

Income Tax Act of 1929: prevalent in the British Raj and was adopted by the Government of India as its Income Tax Law.

Income Tax Ordinance (1979)[edit]

The Income Tax Ordinance was the first law on Income Tax which was promulgated in Pakistan from 1 July 1979 by Government of Pakistan.

Income Tax Ordinance 2001[edit]

To update the tax laws and bring country's law in accordance with international standards, Income Tax Ordinance 2001 was promulgated on 13 September 2001, which became effective from 1 July 2002.

IT rules 2002[edit]

IT rules 2002 were promulgated by FBR on 1 July 2002 in exercise of powers granted under section 237 of the Ordinance.


Taxation in Pakistan is a complex system of more than 70 unique taxes administered by at least 37 agencies of the Government of Pakistan.[1]

According to the International Development Committee, Pakistan had a lower-than-average tax take. Only 0.57% of Pakistanis, or 768,000 people out of a population of 190 million pay income tax.[2]

Federal taxes[edit]

Federal taxes are administered by the Federal Board of Revenue.


Further information: Corruption in Pakistan

According to a 2002 study, 99% of 256 respondents reported facing corruption with regard to taxation. Furthermore, 32% of respondents reported paying bribes to have their tax assessment lowered, and nearly 14% reported receiving fictitious tax assessments until a bribe was paid.[3]

Further reading[edit]

  • Bahl, R., Wallace, S., & Cyan, M. (2008). Pakistan: Provincial government taxation (No. paper0807). International Center for Public Policy, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University.
