
Landmark legal action over farm underpayment

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One of Australia's largest vegetable growers has been hit with a landmark legal test case aimed at recovering more than $500,000 in back pay for exploited international workers.

Through its case against Gippsland-based Covino Farms, the National Union of Workers (NUW) is also seeking to make primary employers responsible for the middlemen they engage to supply labour on their farms.

Underpaid farm workers are often left with no means to claw back stolen wages after shady contractors and middlemen disappear or two-dollar companies go into liquidation.

The legal action draws further attention to worker abuse in supermarket supply chains and the use of black-market labour in Australia, as revealed by Fairfax Media over the last 18 months.

Launched on behalf of 44 workers who were employed at Covino Farms at Longford near Sale, the action covers between April 2013 and May 2015. Covino supplies major supermarkets and fast-food businesses, including Woolworths, through a third-party salad supplier, and KFC. One of Australia's major lettuce growers, Covino also grows broccoli, tomatoes, capsicums, cucumbers and carrots.

In the first stage of the case the union will ask the court for legal discovery to try and prove links between Covino and the contractors. If successful, a claim for back pay would then be run against Covino.


One former process worker Shuk Ying Ho, wants to retrieve nearly $27,000 she says she is owed for a year's work at the farm.

She was paid $13 to $14 an hour - well below the minimum wage - to process vegetables in the Covino packing shed. Ms Ho typically worked 60 to 80 hours a week over six days. For a time she lived with about 20 others in a three-bedroom house run by a middleman who charged each worker $100 a week.

Ms Ho said she also experienced racism from two Australian supervisors.

"It totally destroyed my view of Australia," said Ms Ho, who was a kindergarten teacher in Hong Kong. "I didn't expect this exploitation in Australia."

Another worker Ken-Pao Liao, told Fairfax Media he was paid as little as $13 an hour, cash in hand, for a job advertised on a Chinese-language website as "totally legal".

Mr Liao, from Taiwan, was in Australia on a working-holiday visa, and said he often worked 80 hours a week at the farm. Conditions, he said, were unsafe. No training was provided in the safe use of knives for cutting salad, or to drive a forklift. "It's very dangerous."

He said he had to ask for any time off, even after working 20 days straight. "He (his supervisor) said 'why do you need a rest'" recalled Mr Liao, who is claiming nearly $34,000 in back pay from Covino.

Another worker Chieh-Ju Hsu worked 20-hour shifts sorting carrots. She said she was owed $5500 for four months of underpaid work. She described the long working weeks as "really exhausting".

Despite her meagre wages, she had to pay a middleman $50 for transport.

The exploitation of workers at Covino has been highlighted by ABC's Four Corners and the Weekly Times in the past.

NUW national secretary Tim Kennedy said despite the "shocking" stories of stolen wages,  the Covino workers "have not seen a cent of what was stolen from them".

He noted while the case was about recovering wages for members it was also intended to send a warning to employers. "If there is exploitation at your workplace, it's up to you to fix it," he said.

"We know people across the country have been outraged at the stories of exploitation over the last 18 months, stories that paint a very bad picture of Coles' and Woolworths' supply chains."

Mr Kennedy said the union had invested heavily in the case; the cost involved made such claims all but impossible for individual workers.

A Covino spokesman Steven Covino confirmed that "like many businesses" his family's company had engaged labour-hire contractors prior to May 2015. But he said Covino had "no information to suggest workers were paid less than they were entitled to receive".

Mr Covino said that since May 2015 the majority of workers had been directly employed by his family's business or by Horticulture Employment Services, a wholly owned Covino subsidiary.

He said Covino Farms had asked the NUW for evidence for its claim about underpayment but the union had failed to provide it. "Covino Farms does not believe there is any proper basis for the claim."

The Fair Work Act has a high legal threshold for holding head contractors responsible for underpayment by companies in its supply chain.

Maurice Blackburn workplace law expert Josh Bornstein, said a trend of the last 30 to 40 years was for big brands or companies to separate themselves from their workforces.

That separation can be through franchising, contracting, subcontracting, labour hire or uber-style work arrangements, he said.

"The law facilitates those at the top of the chain to escape liability to the workers at the bottom of the chain, except in pretty limited circumstances," said Mr Bornstein.

A Woolworths spokesman confirmed it had "an indirect relationship" with Covino through a salad supplier. "The relationship is fully managed by the supplier."  KFC confirmed that Covino was a supplier.

The Andrews government has said it will introduce a licensing scheme for labour-hire business in Victoria although unions want to ensure that it is a simple process.

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