
Live: 2016 Victorian VCE and ATAR results

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Live coverage of the 2016 VCE and ATAR results.

VCE results are released to tens of thousands of students across the state on Monday.
VCE results are released to tens of thousands of students across the state on Monday. Photo: Josh Robenstone

That's all for the blog today - thanks for viewing it. See posts below for some of the highlights.

And something we cannot overstate enough - congratulations to all the students who completed their final, gruelling year of secondary schooling. Whatever your ATAR, it is an achievement to be proud of. 

Stay tuned for the rest of the week for more VCE coverage from The Age's education team. We'll be covering the results throughout this week, and will be publishing interactive guides to study scores and school performance in the coming days. 

We're about to wrap up the blog, but here is some of the key information: 

  • A record number of students - almost 50,000 - completed Year 12 this year. 
  • 35 students - 24 boys and 11 girls - achieved a perfect ATAR of 99.95. 
  • A total of 52 students have been offered scholarships at Melbourne University after achieving scores of 99.90 or above, 11 of them female and six from government schools. 
  • Students have until 5pm on December 20 to change their university preference, and can call the Post Results enquiry service on 1800 653 080 for more information.
  • There have been a couple of isolated cases of ATAR-related injuries: 
These two tweets are an emotional rollercoaster.

These two tweets are an emotional rollercoaster. Photo: Craig Butt

'Oh my God', students get ATAR results

Watch the moment these Melbourne students get their long-awaited ATAR scores.

We're wrapping up the blog soon, so here is a summary of the school results we have received so far today. 

Scotch College: Four students obtained a perfect ATAR of 99.95 - Andrew Kawai, Warren Lee, Michel Nehme and William Song - while 49 per cent of the class of 2016 got a ranking of 90 or above. 

Caulfield Grammar School: One student got a perfect ATAR of 99.95 this year, and 39 per cent of students received ATARs of 90 or above.

Shelford Girls' Grammar: 54 per cent of students obtained an ATAR above 90.

Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School: 39 per cent of its year 12 students achieved an ATAR of 90 or higher.

Melbourne Girls Grammar: 49 per cent of the school's cohort scored an ATAR of 90 or above.

Presbyterian Ladies' College: 58 per cent of the students got an ATAR of more than 90.

Melbourne Grammar School: Student Martin Lee received a perfect ATAR of 99.95.

Mac.Roberston Girls' High School: 81 per cent of its 238 Year 12 students got an ATAR score of 90 or more.

Huntingtower School: 60 per cent of its students achieved ATARs of 90 or above.

Mount Scopus Memorial College: 10 perfect study scores of 50, and 7 per cent of students achieved an ATAR of 99 or above. 52 per cent of its students attained a score of 90 or above.

Haileybury College: 33 perfect study scores of 50. Five students achieved a perfect 99.95 ATAR.

Tintern Grammar: Two students attained an ATAR of 99.5. 22 per cent of its students achieved an ATAR of 90 and above.  

Lauriston Girls' School: 46 per cent of its students achieved an ATAR of 90 and above.

St Michael's Grammar School: 34 per cent of its students received an ATAR of 90 or more

Camberwell Girls Grammar: 52% of Camberwell Girls' girls achieved an ATAR score more than 90, putting them in the Top 10 per cent in the state.

Korowa Anglican Girls' School: 57% ranked in the top 10 per cent after achieving an ATAR of 90 or higher

Liebler Yavneh College: 53% of the class attained an ATAR score of 90 or above

Beth Rivkah Ladies College: 54 per cent above 90.

Yeshivah College: 78 per cent above 90. Dux got 99.95.

Ballarat Clarendon College: 40 per cent ranked over 90

Balwyn High: 132 students (38% of the year level) got ATARs of 90 or above. Two students - Julie Shen and Jason Wong - achieved a perfect ATAR of 99.95 this year.

Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School: 55 per cent of the cohort achieved an ATAR of 90 and above.

Woodleigh School: 32 per cent of students attained ATARs of 90 and above

Frankston High: 13 per cent of students received an ATAR of 90 or above

Methodist Ladies' College: three students obtained an ATAR of 99.95.

St Mary's Coptic Orthodox College: Shady Elyas is dux of the College with an ATAR score of 99.6

St Catherine's School: 43 per cent scored above 90.

Trinity Grammar: Two boys scored 99.95, and 49 per cent of the cohort obtained an ATAR above 90.

McKinnon Secondary College: 37 per cent of students received an ATAR of 90 or above.

Glen Waverley: One third of the student cohort got an ATAR of 90 or more. 

Bialik College: 66.67% scored 90 and above.

Brighton Grammar School: 38 per cent of its students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above.

Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School: Five students – Rosemary Chen, Sohil Chhabra, Alec Leos, Madhavi-Priya Singh and Mark Yin - obtained the maximum possible ATAR of 99.95.  44 per cent of Year 12s â€“ over 100 students – obtained an ATAR of 90 or more.

Some more results: at Huntingtower School, 60 per cent of its students achieved ATARs of 90 or above.

Meanwhile, 28 per cent of Cheltenham Secondary College's students got ATARs of 80 and above.



Some of the high-achieving VCE students who have been offered a Melbourne University scholarship.
Some of the high-achieving VCE students who have been offered a Melbourne University scholarship. Photo: Justin McManus

A total of 52 high achieving VCE students have been offered scholarships at Melbourne University today, which entitle them to a free place in the undergraduate degree of their choice and an  annual allowance of $5,000 for the duration of their degree.

Scotch College graduates were the big winners - there were almost as many Scotch students offered one of the scholarships as there were female students from all other schools throughout the state.

A total of 10 Scotch College graduates received the Melbourne University scholarship offer, compared with a total of 11 female students.  

Six of the students who received the scholarship offer were from government schools, while 46 were from independent colleges.

Just over one in five of those offered the sought after scholarships were female – with 11 girls getting an offer compared with 41 guys.

Students who obtained an ATAR of 99.9 or above were eligible for the scholarship, along with Indigenous students who got a ranking of at least 90.

Balwyn High School Jason Wong achieved a perfect ATAR of 99.95 and said he was always confident of scoring enough to earn the coveted scholarship.

"This morning I was so anxious but now I'm relieved now that I know I made the cut," he said.

View the full list of students offered the scholarship.

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Mac.Roberston Girls' High School has predictably reported some of the strongest results today.  

About 81 per cent of its cohort of 238 students got an ATAR score of 90 or more.

That's certainly the highest proportion of scores above 90 of any of the schools we have featured today.

But their rivals at Melbourne High remained unusually silent today. We haven't received any figures for them yet. 


Nossal High School has recorded its highest ever ATAR. The school has been producing VCE graduates since 2013. 

54 per cent achieved an ATAR of 90 or above.

Their dux, Yong Csee Foo, wants to go on to study music at Monash

Great results for Assumption College in Kilmore: 

Melbourne Grammar School student Martin Lee was one of 35 students across the State to receive the maximum ATAR of 99.95. 

44.4 per cent of its students got a study score of 90 or above. 

Some of the school's students are in the Czech Republic at the moment and would have received their results not long after this performance: 

Supplied pic.

Photo: KIconcerts

The results are in for Presbyterian Ladies' College's VCE cohort - 58 per cent of the students got an ATAR of more than 90. 

But, for one in three students at the school, the wait is ongoing. That's because they chose to study the International Baccalaureate instead of the Victorian Certificate of Education, so they will have to hang on until January for their results envelopes to arrive. 

I went to PLC earlier this year when the IB class of 2015 received their grades, and the consensus was that the worst part of this internationally-recognised program was the long wait. 

Student Tina Tian told me: "I had VCE friends and family over Christmas asking how I did. The more I waited, the more uncertain I got."

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One of the 35 students to achieve a perfect ATAR of 99.95 was Melbourne Girls Grammar student Annabel Holt, who also obtained study score of 50 in Classical Studies and Psychology. 

49 per cent of the school's cohort scored an ATAR of 90 or above. 

The Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School is celebrating what its principal has called its "best VCE results ever".

The performing arts school, which selects students on the basis of an art folio or competitive audition, had 39 per cent of its year 12 students achieve an ATAR of 90 or higher.

The school also boasted 11 perfect study scores of 50 across dance, art, music investigation and literature subjects.

"I am prepared to call this the best VCE results ever with many wonderful scores and personal bests," the school's principal, Colin Simpson, said.

We love this guy. He filmed himself live getting his score and then the first thing he does is produce a slick three-minute video with memes and edits and subtitles. No wonder he got such a great studio arts score. His reaction at the very end is priceless. Caution: occasional coarse language. 


Correction: students have until noon on December 20 to change their course preferences.   

Students are complaining about all the advertisements aimed at their hopes and dreams. 

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The most popular VCE Facebook group, VCE DiscussionSpace, has erupted with posts, as students took to the group to crack jokes and post memes on results day.

One student suggested that anyone who was disappointed could always "major in memes", while another group member posted a photo of cute dogs, suggesting they were a pleasant "distraction".

Other group members said they hadn't slept all night, and there were complaints that the "scaling" of the ATAR had disadvantaged them.

One former student offered the group some sage advice: "Your ATAR does not define you. It is one pathway of many to get to where you want." 

A lot of the ATAR/VCE posts we have been seeing on Facebook and Twitter this morning have been from gushing parents, not from the students themselves. 

But clearly there is no pleasing some elders: 

It was 3:20am in Vietnam when Khoa Tang's parents received a call from their son in Melbourne.

Khoa had good news: he received an ATAR of 99.35.

The year 12 Maribyrnong Secondary College student, who came to Melbourne in 2014 to study, said his parents had stayed up all night to hear this result.

"They were nervous to wait for the results, just like me," said Khoa, who lives with his aunt in Sunshine North.

Khoa wants to study biomedicine at Melbourne University, and told Education Minister James Merlino his mark during a school visit.

"I feel very comfortable and relaxed," he said. "I'm really enjoying this moment."

Maribyrnong Secondary College student Khoa Tang discusses his results with education minister James Merlino.

Maribyrnong Secondary College student Khoa Tang discusses his results with education minister James Merlino. Photo: Timna Jacks

Box Hill High School's principal Kate Mitchell has put out a release celebrating the state school's results. There were 63 students (37.5 per cent) who received ATARs of over 90. They had six perfect study scores in  Accounting, Business Management, Geography, Chemistry, Media and Further Maths, and their dux achieved an ATAR of 99.8



Most Year 12 students checked their results bang on 7am this morning (assuming they weren't part of the 2000 who got theirs early last week). 

But Carmen Tan managed to hang on for almost three more hours and opened her results in the presence of education minister James Merlino. 

Education reporter Timna Jacks and reporter Tara Cosoleto were also there the moment Ms Tan got her results:

But if you think her self-control is amazing, spare a thought for the students who had to wait until midway through the afternoon on results day last year, when Deakin Uni beamed their scores onto the big screen at the MCG. 

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