Industry-leading, high-precision forecasting
Weatherzone’s Opticast is an industry leading high-precision forecast system, optimised for both “realtime nowcasting” as well as up to 15 days. Developed by Weatherzone over 7 years ago, it quickly rose to become one of the most trustworthy forecasts available in the Australian market and has been independently verified to outperform other similar systems, including those run by the Bureau of Meteorology.
Opticast is continuously optimised in real time, and significantly outperforms single-model forecasts of temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, cloud cover and rainfall (amongst over 30+ parameters). The forecasts update hourly based on real time observations, and the latest guidance from a suite of Numerical Weather Prediction models.
Make informed decisions
Forecasts are combined with confidence values, essential for making informed decisions in high-risk situations.The best in weather forecasting science
The Opticast suite of services' proven track record guarantees your business the very best of short, medium and long range forecasting services available.Verification shows that Opticast consistently outperforms any single model forecasts.
The high resolution of these forecasts allow the user to see the likely “shape” of the temperature/wind curve throughout any given day. This information is key to dealing with common micro-scale features such as sea-breezes, cool changes, early or late maximums and developing rainfall events. The rapid update schedule minimises short-term divergence between forecast and actual conditions, which means that the forecast is never out of date, and is especially powerful in rapidly changing conditions.
Weather intelligence that learns.
Using proprietary algorithms and Artificial Intelligence, the system is able to learn the local conditions and adjusts forecasts accordingly. Not only is OpticastTM the most accurate system available, it is now one of the most relevant, with almost half a million forecast points available across Australia. OpticastTM has proven itself to be a world class forecast system, which has just got better.
An Opticast that’s right for you
Meteorologist Briefs
Complementing your standard weather forecast, meteorological briefings provide an individualised solution to your specific needs.
Custom Numerical Weather Modelling information
Weatherzone’s dynamical atmospheric modelling team can configure, develop and test high resolution nested model domains.