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national / economics and finance Déardaoin Samhain 24, 2016 03:56 by1 of Indymedia
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We are republishing this article by Stephen Donnelly TD who has been doing great work in exposing how Fine Gael have gone out of their away to facilitate vulture funds who are now preying on ordinary people by charging exorbitant rents and fueling the current property and are replacing the English absentee landlord of centuries past, with ruthless vulture funds capitalists of this era and essentially introducing a form of neo-fuedalism as increasing huge swaths of the population are either priced out of buying homes, or are signing up for debt that last close to a lifetime.

international / eu Dé Céadaoin Meitheamh 22, 2016 23:18 by1 of Indymedia
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The People's Newsletter from the People's Movement in their bi-monthly newsletter carry an article on Brexit which is topical given that the British go to the polls on it this Thurs 23rd June. The various opinion polls show it to be relatively close.

The article here from the People's Movement puts forward good Left wing arguments why Britain should leave and they are good reasons for Ireland to leave too. The impression given is that the Brexit referendum was agreed to because of political pressure from the people. It is likely though that there are considerable powerful interests within the elite want to leave as they see their chances to be better off in the long run, yet those arguments not discussed here would be more issues within national capitalist faction.

The other article in this months newsletter is

national / history and heritage Dé Domhnaigh Márta 27, 2016 01:23 byT
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The 1916 Proclamation

On the centenary anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising it is worth reflecting on what has happened since then and the aspirations of the proclamation to guarantee equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens and cherishing all of the children of the nation equally.

The Rising itself was doomed to failure from the start but as with life itself often the most unpredictable and unexpected things happen because despite the lack of initial public support, after the executions sympathies swung the other way and as they say the rest was history and the ripples spread out, because it has been said the fight for independence of India was inspired by the Irish Rising.

national / elections / politics Dé Céadaoin Feabhra 24, 2016 18:26 byT
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Parties for a Left Dail

The election cycle has come around yet again it is time to take a look at some of the issues being discussed and more importantly those not discussed and have a quick look at the economy.

For this election there are more independents going up than ever before, although people should be warned that a certain fraction of them are closet FFers and FGers so if it is change you are looking for, they may not be the candidates to vote for. Sometimes people seemed to assume Independents tend to be more to the Left. There is no inherent reason this should be the case and statistically one would expect them to evenly spread to the Left and Right. So if voting for an Independent then be sure you have checked what they really stand for and their previous record if any.

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TTIP is the greatest single threat to our
democracy. Both FG and FF support it.
It is a EU-US wide corporate power grab.
Find out more before you vote !!
national / economics and finance Dé Máirt Feabhra 02, 2016 23:11 byT
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Trajectory of Irish Banks

Forget the official Banking Inquiry report because Joe Higgins has written a much more better one and it asks the rights questions and gets to the heart of the matter by putting the whole saga in its proper context -something which the official report couldn't thing as it would mean asking fundamental questions. Indeed the inquriy itself and official report have been steeped in controversary with allegations of coverup because of numerous reports of key officials and whistleblowers in the regulator office and central bank were ignored and their evidence never making into the inquiry. The whistleblower made a formal complaint under the Protected Disclosures Act and (Village Magazine) "outlining a range of detailed concerns about how the Central Bank and some of its legal representatives were omitting huge swathes of vital documents, redacting many of the most crucial pieces of evidence, and delaying release of vital material until it was too late to use them in briefings for public hearings – in at least one case handing them over 24 hours before a scheduled interview about them."

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Máirt 13 Noll, 13:16

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fidel_castro.jpg imageStatements on the death of Comrade Fidel Castro 18:30 Domh 27 Samh by 1 of Indymedia 2 comments

Indymedia Ireland wish to pay tribute to the late leader Comrade Fidel Castro who died on Fri 25th Nov 2016, aged 90. He was an iconic figure of the 20th century and perhaps most famous for leading Cuba away from the clutches of a dictator and the mafia which ran the country on behalf of the US prior to that and then to events of the CIA backed failed invasion to overthrow him referred to as the Bay of Pigs and then later to the Cuban missile crisis which brought the world to the brink. This came about because the US had placed nuclear missiles in Turkey which were 15 minutes flight time to Moscow and Castro allowed the Soviet Union to respond in kind by placing Soviet missile in Cuba which were 15 minutes flight time to Washington.

Not only that he and Cuba defied the US for many decades simply by existing despite the US openly being hostile including imposing economic and financial sanctions against Cuba since the revolution and an estimated 600 assassination attempts against him and for daring to give the example that there is another way to exist than naked capitalism. A successful example on their doorstep of a state that provided benefits such as education, health and general well-being for their citizens is what the US most feared. Even to this day, the health system and life expectancy exceeds anything in Latin American and including huge swaths of the USA itself and this lesson is surely being brought home to many not just in the US but elsewhere where many are mired in puntative debt and are prey to vulture capitalists and increasing unstable and uncertain existence in their daily lives.

2016marcosisnotahero.jpg imagePhilippines: Duterte Enables Sneak Burial of Marcos’ Remains 10:34 Domh 20 Samh by Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM) 0 comments

The burial of Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani (LNMB - Heroes Cemetery) was hurriedly and secretively carried out, with military-style logistical support. A military helicopter brought the body from Ilocos Norte, where the former dictator’s body was displayed in the Marcos Museum, to the LNMB. The marines and the police were mobilized to encircle the perimeter of the cemetery. They were placed on ‘red alert’.

textTuras Nua or Seetac who brought it into Bray? 21:46 Máirt 15 Samh by Margaret Maguire 0 comments

A privately owned, UK company called Working Links (in connection with an Irish company call FRS Recruitment), is operating a subsidiary in Bray (JobPath).

textFracking: the endgame? Legislation for a ban to be debated on 27th October 10:49 Máirt 18 DFómh by Anti-fracker 1 comments

On Thursday, 27th October the Dáil will discuss the Prohibition of the Exploration and Extraction of Onshore Petroleum Bill 2016. This article highlights the issues surrounding the bill and traces the history of community action against fracking in Ireland.

1plmmasasanlakasbmp.jpg imagePhilippines: 100 Days of the Duterte Presidency 09:09 Máirt 11 DFómh by Sonny Melencio 0 comments

This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.

textESB 63 power outages since 2007 09:48 Sath 01 DFómh by Hibernian Scribe 3 comments

ESB does not patrol power lines or check transformers and only change them when the horrendous gales force the ESB to do so

dscn1767_1.jpg imageSolidarity against the Terrorist Narco-State of Mexico from Dublin, Ireland 23:31 Luan 26 MFómh by wsm 0 comments

On Saturday, 24 September, LASC and the Mexico-Ireland Solidarity Collective organised a vigil at the Mexican embassy to remember and to call for justice for the 43 missing students of Ayotzinapa and the thousands more like them who have been disappeared in Mexico.

watercharge17srpt2016crowd.jpg imageDublin protest to force the government to back down and scrap water charges sees 1000s on streets 23:45 Déar 22 MFómh by wsm 0 comments

The Irish government's attempt to introduce domestic water charges in Ireland is not going well. In fact, for them it's been a disaster because it's sparked off a huge upsurge in working class self organisation and direct action. Last Saturday 17th Sept, saw thousands of anti-water charges campaigners flooding the streets of Dublin o to again voice their opposition to Irish Water & water charges and as a show of strength for the movement.

alan1.png image#ANTIFA ALERT: NEO-NAZI CORK CASUALS @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @siegfails @edlnews @tellmamauk @uaf @bas... 17:44 Sath 03 MFómh by Irish ANTIFA 9 comments

#ANTIFA : - Whilst Gaelic Football is the sport of those who oppose discrimination, football (soccer) in Ireland is inhabited by the racist and homophobic far right who glorify assaults on LGBT men and women, and foreigners, following a recruitment campaign by the openly national socialist Ireland First, represented on Twitter by Futboi (i) Adam @futboiadam and Futbol (l) Andrew @futbolandrew. Adam's Twitter timeline openly tweets about murdering black people, and Alan tweets to incite the burning of mosques, all fully aware Ireland's rightwing police force do not police internet hate crimes, not even blatant incitement to murder, nor do Twitter remove most racist accounts.

Following the demise of Pegida Ireland, the miserable failure that it was, Ireland First have copied the EDL in gathering both young and middle aged football hooligans from Ireland's soccer scene, aiming for a menacing political band of thugs who are prepared to use violence on minorities. Many of their trolling Twitter accounts masquerade under the premise of pseudo-parody, while tweeting out language designed to spur-on violent hate crimes, even murder.

Ireland First's Twitter Account (far worse than Britain First): -

Cork's football casuals have heeded the messages of hate from Andrew and Adam, joined by newcomers like Alan, who seems to think that hanging around a gymnasium makes him invincible, and pretending to be "not serious" frees them from all responsibility for their actions.

Bonehill himself, pretended to be parody, when calling for Jewish people to be murdered, but the judge dismissed his conjecture, and quite rightly took his violent anti-Semitic words at face value. launches 23:02 Luan 29 Lún by 1 of Indymedia 0 comments

Even though launch was two week ago, we are reposting this report from Mick Wallace about it to help raise awareness of its goals., the secure and anonymous whistle blowing platform has launched today, Friday August 12th 2016. will allow for anyone who has been unfairly treated or who has witnessed poor practice by NAMA, or by any Investment Funds currently operating within Ireland, to securely and anonymously deliver information relating to same, to This project is supported by Mick Wallace, Clare Daly, Frank McDonald, Julien Mercille, and Cormac Butler.

Watch the video -

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textMisrepresenting the People Samh 28 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin 0 comments

The recent article League of Nationalists in The Economist (19-11-2016, pps. 51-54) sets out to answer the question: “All around the world, nationalists are gaining ground. Why?”

textWar on cash: Is Freedom at stake? Samh 23 by Thomas Roberts 2 comments

The idea of abolishing high denomination banknotes is more and more present in political talks around the world. The European Central Bank already announced the death of the €uro 500, tomorrow it might be the Benjamin ($100). What is next? Why do our governments want to get rid of cash and why don’t we have a word to say about it?

textUS Republican Party Shatters. DFómh 11 by Sean Throne 0 comments

US capitalism has had a century of relative political stability through the domination of its politics by its two capitalist parties. This is now coming to an end. A new era in US and world politics is opening up.Sean Throne

textWalk This Way MFómh 25 by Joey Newell 0 comments

Some observations on infrastructure in Ireland in relation to western European standards. Also, a case for a national path system.

textI was TRICKED by the Soros/US-supported Malaysia's Opposition Iúil 25 by Noor Aza Othman 0 comments

Thankfully, before it's too late, I realized the truth; that is, anything which is organized by the Malaysia's Opposition ([especially by racist and fascist anti-Indigenous/anti-Muslim party of DAP (Democratic Action Party – ('democratic', my foot) - suspected to receive much hidden donation from ISrael, to the total of US 300 million and training from Mossad, through Singapore-based account] including under the guise of the so-called Human Rights March .

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textScandal Exposed- Irish Times Ran Fake Story To Protect Rich Noll 08 People Before Profit 0 comments

The Irish Times headline recently ran a headline, ‘Imposing French-style wealth tax would only yield €22m.

UCD sociologist Kieran Allen asked for a right to reply but received no response to his request. Here is his exposure of how journalism sometimes functions as propaganda.

The story is based on an ESRI Working Paper entitled ‘Scenarios and Distributional Implications of a Household Wealth Tax in Ireland’. The Irish Times lifts one or two figures from the paper but fails to give any context or critically examine the report.

imagePDF DocumentNBRU Announce Plans For Public Information Campaign And Accuse Government Of In-Aciton Over Thread T... Noll 02 National Bus and Railworkers Union 0 comments

The NBRU releases a press release to announce a public information campaign to highlight how government policies will serve to undermine rural bus services.

At threat here is the disappearance of Bus Éireann from Ireland with only city to city services remaining leaving large swathes of the country without a service which would be unprofitable to the private operators.

textEPA Petitioned to Acknowledge Extensive Fluoride/Brain Risk Evidence Noll 01 Fluoride Action Network 0 comments

Fluoride addition to public water supplies is a government program started in the early 1900's when it was believed that fluoride strengthened teeth without building up in any other organ. Now that we know the brain is a target for fluoride and that fluoride ingestion doesn't reduce tooth decay, it's time for the EPA to stop playing politics, honor the science and ban water fluoridation for good. EPA has been served with a citizens' petition from environmental, health and medical groups that must, by law, be answered in 90 days.

imageWater Commission a trick to leave the door open for water charges – Attempt to let Fianna Fail off t... Samh 30 0 comments

Press Release - 30th Nov 2016

At a press conference this morning on the Dail Plinth, AAA-PBP TDs reacted to the findings of the Expert Commission on Water Charges.

Paul Murphy TD said “The report by the Expert Commission is a political fudge to allow Fine Gael to claim water charges are still in place and for Fianna Fail to say that water charges are gone.

“The report acts as a Trojan Horse to allow for the future re-introduction of water charges. The idea of ‘excessive usage’ and a free allowance keeps the principle of paying for water in place.

imageSecretly filmed footage from weekend hare coursing fixture exposes animal cruelty minister says "doe... Samh 22 0 comments

Last Saturday the Irish Council Against Bloodsports captured another shocking piece of video footage exposing cruelty in hare coursing...this time at the Ardpatrick and Kilfinane coursing fixture held in County Limerick. At great risk to herself (there's a strict ban on "authorised photography" at coursing events, enforced with threats and sometimes physical assault), Aideen Yourell of ICABS managed to record part of the fixture.

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