Mises Wire

War on ‘Fake News’ Part of a War on Free Speech

Political Theory

Blog2 hours ago

The attempts to ban “fake news;” smear antiwar and anti-Federal Reserve movements are all parts of an ongoing war on free speech.


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The CIA Has Always Been Incompetent

Taxes and SpendingWar and Foreign PolicyPolitical Theory

Blog6 hours ago

The CIA has always been inept, and it could not even figure out the basics of the Soviet home front during the Cold War.

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Why Markets Produce "a Race to the Top"

The EntrepreneurPolitical TheoryValue and Exchange

Blog21 hours ago

The unregulated SEO industry shows how companies seek to out-do each other in terms of quality for customers.

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Portland Asks Businesses to Move Elsewhere

Taxes and SpendingPolitical Theory


Portland is using state coercion to force companies not to pay their CEOs more than 100 x the companie's median employee, or face an additional tax.

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Mike Pence Thinks the "Free Market" Is Making You Poor

Money and BanksU.S. EconomyMoney and BankingPolitical Theory


Michael Pence seems to be under the mistaken impression that the United States has an unregulated free market economy.

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Week in Review: December 10, 2016

The EntrepreneurGlobal EconomyU.S. HistoryEntrepreneurshipPolitical Theory


Although the election is over, the ideological fight continues.

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