Donald Trump becomes Twitter's most powerful troll, but would it dare block him?

Donald Trump will soon take on the @POTUS Twitter handle as well as his own, and is already flexing his virtual muscles ...
Donald Trump will soon take on the @POTUS Twitter handle as well as his own, and is already flexing his virtual muscles since winning office.

He's the world's most powerful troll! He's the President of the United States! He's soon to be the operator of @POTUS!

And as someone pointed out recently, he's like a child with a Rolodex of the world's most powerful people.

Donald Trump's Twitter feed is like an exclamation-filled, rambling series of hyperactive statements. With millions of retweets, hundreds of millions of eyeballs and the destabilising power to move stock prices in some of the companies he's taken aim at in the last few weeks.

And while Twitter has been at pains to repeatedly say they will kick him off the platform if he violates their bullying policies, I'd be surprised if the firm will have the digital balls to block, you know, the president, from their services.

That said some of his recent behaviour is surely nudging him close to "uber troll" status.

Since crowing that having a Twitter account is "like owning the New York Times without the losses", Trump will soon add the 12.5 million followers from POTUS (President of the United States) account to his personal 17.1 million followers.

In one instance, we can see how he's made a fully-fledged bid to Make America Great Again, target an individual on his social media platform and pretty much give away money for free.

Recently, the President-elect took aim at Chuck Jones, president of United Steelworkers, a union boss who represents workers at a Carrier manufacturing plant in Indiana.

The company was thinking of moving a factory to Mexico, where labour would cost about $US3 instead of the $US20 an hour paid in Indiana. In a furious bid to block anything to do with those south of the border, Trump made a deal with Carrier (using financial incentives and a cut to their tax rate) to keep just over 1000 manufacturing jobs in the state.

During the stoush, the President-elect took to Twitter accusing Mr Jones of doing "a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!"

Later on Trump suggested Jones "spend more time working – less time talking".

Spanner in the works

While protectionist followers were overjoyed at the result, Carrier has since said it plans to plow $US16 million into automating those same manufacturing jobs, meaning Trump's bid to keep American workers screwing the doors on fridges is unlikely to last.

"We're going to ... automate to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive," said the chief executive of Carrier's parent company United Technologies, during an interview on CNBC.

"Is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost labour? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we'll make the capital investments there. But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs."

Ding! Ding! Round two between capitalists and protectionists!

It's no longer weird to point out that Trump says absurd things about people who are just doing their jobs, but it does signal this activist president will use the bully-social-media-pulpit throughout his presidency.

Shares in Boeing – which is not just a substantial employer in the US but the single largest American exporter – initially plunged 1.3 per cent, wiping around $US1.2 billion from the company's market capitalisation, after Trump decided the company was charging too much for a new 747 Air Force One and he tweeted to "cancel order!".

And shares in Softbank, which is investing up to $US50 billion in the US, spiked 5.5 per cent after the President-elect tweeted the company's praises.

Now that everybody's thoroughly spooked, wondering if the former reality TV star is actually a genius mastermind, he's summed up how critical Twitter has been to the creation of himself as the new president. 

Trump told 60 Minutes: "I think it helped me win all of these races where they're spending much more money than I spent. You know, I spent my money. A lot of my money. And I won."

"I think that social media has more power than the money they spent, and I think maybe to a certain extent, I proved that."

Now if he continues to influence shares with his @POTUS tweets, I wonder how much power social media giants will have if they try and keep him in check.