How to fix a broken reporting system

"The market should be the final arbiter about the financial results of a company," says Martin Lawrence of Ownership ...
"The market should be the final arbiter about the financial results of a company," says Martin Lawrence of Ownership Matters; (inset) Diana D'Ambra of the the Australian Shareholders' Association recommends companies use a uniform methodology each year. Christopher Pearce

Listed companies should be forced to report non-standard financial measures in a consistent way with historical figures for comparison, according to a lobby group for retail shareholders.

Creating standards in the way non-standard financial metrics, such as underlying profit, are defined and presented will help improve transparency at listed firms said Diana D'Ambra, chairwoman of the Australian Shareholders' Association.

Non-standard, or non-statutory, measures can be defined by companies and promoted in results presentations, media releases and preliminary results reports.

This is in contrast with statutory measures which have a set definition and which companies are legally obliged to produce as part of an audited set of figures for the market and regulators.

"I'd like to see that there was consistency every year in reporting the same non-standard measures," said Ms D'Ambra, a chartered accountant who spent 25 years at KPMG.

"Companies should be doing it consistently every year and not be changing the measures from one year to the next or giving undue prominence to measures that enhance [its] performance.

"At the moment, I have to sit here with three or four annual reports on my desk and work it out – I'm a chartered accountant and [have] extensive corporate finance experience and I can do that, but an average investor can't.

"I want to see more prior-year comparisons. In an ideal world, I'd like to see three years' history so a useful trend can be established."

Trend 'out of control'

Ms D'Ambra's call comes in the wake of research showing more than 40 per cent of ASX top-500 companies use non-standard measures to promote their performance to the market, a trend that market veterans say is out of control.

Directors counter that they need to be able to use the metrics that best allow them to explain the performance of their company.

The International Accounting Standards Board is working on a set of guidelines on the use of non-standard measures.

Corporate regulator the Australian Securities and Investments Commission issued guidelines in 2011 on how additional data should be presented to the market, but KPMG research has found that many ASX200 companies were not fully complying with the guidelines.

Ms D'Ambra said even having rules around the way the non-standard data was presented would help.

"It is best to have the same formatting each year, and the same basis of calculation used," she said.

"You will never get uniform definitions, but individual companies need to pick a methodology and stick to it."

Reconciliation of numbers

Proxy advisory firm Ownership Matters takes a particular interest in the reconciliation statement that firms provide between the non-standard and statutory measures.

"You have some comfort when companies reconcile their statutory numbers to their non-statutory [measures] in the audited accounts," said Martin Lawrence, a director of Ownership Matters.

"You know that someone else has looked at them.

"An auditor isn't making a judgment about the value of the non-statutory number, but rather confirming the figure does exist."

Mr Lawrence said the market should be the final arbiter about the financial results of a company.

"I don't think they should put an end to the use of non-statutory results," he said.

"This is something the market should solve for itself.

"Companies that have a history of one-off items that are negative will be marked down by the market, and companies that have one-off items that are actually extraordinary will not be marked down.

"If they're transparent about it and they are reconciled in the audited accounts, then caveat emptor."

Extraordinary every year: Nufarm

Nufarm's results over time.
Nufarm's results over time. Les Hewitt

The management of crop protection company Nufarm have excluded items worth almost $400 million from their non-statutory calculation for underlying net profit after tax since 2011.

In each year, a different item or set of items is singled out from exclusion from the firm's statutory results, and in each year the underlying net profit after tax is a more positive number that the statutory figure.

The items have ranged from impairment losses and the cost settlement of a shareholder class action through to three consecutive annual exclusions relating to "one-off" restructure and asset rationalisation programs worth more than $200 million.

The most dramatic difference between underlying and statutory results is in 2011, when a statutory net loss of $50 million became an underlying net profit of $98 million after the exclusion of almost $150 million of material items such as impairment losses of $70 million at the firm's Brazilian business, debt refinancing costs of more than $17 million, and other legal and consultancy costs.

The headline in the company's preliminary results statement of that year was simply: "Nufarm reports strong recovery in underlying performance."

In 2014, the first of "one-off costs" associated with the "restructure and asset rationalisation" operations were excluded from underlying earnings.

The 2015-16 financial year saw a statutory net profit of $28 million became an underlying net profit of $109 million, an almost fourfold increase, after the exclusion (for the third time in a row) of "one-off costs". This time it was for $81 million "associated with restructuring initiatives and asset rationalisation".

The headline in that year's preliminary announcement: "Strong underlying EBIT [earnings before income and tax] growth driven by higher margins and excellent progress on improvement program."

Firm in compliance

In a statement, the general manager of Nufarm investor relations, Mark Keating, said the firm's reporting was "in compliance with accounting standards".

"We are obligated by accounting standards to identify material items separately in our financial statements," Mr Keating said.

"Then we follow non-GAAP [generally accepted accounting principles] measure guidance as outlined by regulators."

He said Nufarm gave "equal prominence to both reported/statutory and underlying numbers, including a reconciliation between the two".

The firm's 2016 annual report lists the statutory and non-statutory figures on page 6 of its annual report, and note 6 on page 66 details the material items.

A reconciliation between net profit after tax and underlying net profit after tax is detailed in the results presentation, but not in the annual report.

"The disclosure of underlying profit gives investors a view of the ongoing performance of the group," Mr Keating said.

"The general running of the performance improvement program is now deemed operating, however when decisions result from the program such as shutting down manufacturing facilities, and these are financially material, then we are obligated to disclose separately."

Mr Keating added that the firm's performance improvement program "will ultimately lead to a more efficient operation and improved returns for shareholders".