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Saudi woman arrested after tweeting photo of herself without a hijab

The photo of Malak al-Shehri that triggered a backlash on social media.

The Saudi woman was going out for breakfast when she decided to make a statement. Violating the country's moral codes, she reportedly stepped out in public wearing a floral dress, black jacket and ankle boots - but without wearing a hijab or abaya, a loosefitting garment.

Low-key Brownlow affair hits the right note

Sam Mitchell and Trent Cotchin will get straight back to training.

It was the middle of December, there was a paucity of glitz and glamour, but there was something about Tuesday's low-key presentation of the 2012 Brownlow Medal to Sam Mitchell and Trent Cotchin that felt right.

Brisbane's new 'globally competitive' edge

fDi Intelligence's Global City of the Future report is released every two years.

Brisbane's foreign investment strategy has placed the Queensland capital fourth in a global list of cities vying for international business, compiled by an offshoot of the London-based Financial Times.

How $28m payout helps Straddie sand miners

Compensation to North Stradbroke Island mine workers will be explained on Wednesday.The lease on Sibelco's Enterprise ...

Around 140 sand mining workers on North Stradbroke Island will today learn from Employment Minister Grace Grace what they will be paid by the Queensland Government in its multi-million compensation for sand mining closing in 2019.

Carbine Club opens its doors to women

Admitted to the Carbine Club: Richmond president Peggy O'Neal.

Another bastion of male exclusivity has fallen. On Tuesday, the Carbine Club voted to break with 55 years of tradition to admit two women. They are Peggy O'Neal, the president of Richmond football club, and Nicole Livingstone, an Olympic silver medalist in swimming and now a media figure.

Measles outbreak leads to call for better school records

Infectious disease experts have analysed a 2014 measles outbreak that spread through a primary school in Essendon for ...

A measles outbreak that tore through a Melbourne school might have been stopped early if schools faced financial penalties for failing to keep records of unvaccinated students, a report authored by Victorian health department staff argues.

Andrew Fifita to escape with fine over support for one-punch killer

Andrew Fifita's playing future remains in limbo while the NRL integrity unit decides whether to impose further sanctions ...

Cronulla grand final hero Andrew Fifita is poised to escape with a fine rather than further suspension after the NRL issued a breach notice over his support for one-punch killer Kieran Loveridge.reach notice by the NRL over his support for convicted killer Kieran Loveridge.