
Australian Sports Commission weighs up AIS Arena future as Kate Palmer steps into CEO role

The Australian Sports Commission board is set to meet in Sydney this week to weigh up the future of the AIS Arena as the organisation turns to former Netball Australia boss Kate Palmer to be an "agent of change".

Palmer was unveiled at Parliament House on Tuesday as the commission's new leader and will take the reins after Australia's worst Olympic Games performance since 1992.

Palmer is the first female to step into the role and has already outlined her hopes of unifying the systems in Australian sport and increasing funding across all levels of government.

Palmer declared she was a "huge fan" of the Winning Edge strategy implemented by the ASC four years ago and endorsed the AIS campus in Canberra as a driver for high-performance success.

The commission board members will meet on Thursday to discuss a range of options for the AIS Arena, with the leading proposal understood to be transforming the venue into a volleyball training centre.

The move would rob Canberra of its biggest indoor multi-purpose venue and limit the amount of basketball or netball that could be played in the 5000-seat arena.


The board is considering ways to reinvigorate the campus, which has been criticised as a "ghost town" and "tumbleweed town" because of its lack of residential athletes.

Palmer worked with the ACT government in her former role as Netball Australia boss and secured deals to have the Australian team play international matches at the AIS Arena.

"The [AIS] has a very important role [for Australian sport] and I think that it still plays a critical role in a lot of our national sports," Palmer said.

"The determination of the future of any shifts will be decided by the board in partnerships with the sports.

"...I know basketball considers [the AIS] a world-class high-performance centre for their program so I think that's really important those elements continue."

Palmer replaces Simon Hollingsworth and will become the first woman to take commission the role in 31 years, describing it as her "dream job" after leaving Netball Australia two weeks ago.

She will start at the commission at the end of January and will be based in Canberra as she forges a path forward for Australia's elite and grassroots sport.

The commission and the AIS have been targeted by critics this year after a disappointing Rio Olympic Games medal haul.

The Winning Edge system has copped the brunt of the criticism, after it was put in place in 2012 to put the onus on individual sports to take responsibility for funding and performance.

Commission chairman John Wylie said: "The reason the board [picked Palmer] was that she has an outstanding record at Netball Australia in terms of driving change and leading the organisation.

"She took netball from a second tier sport to unequivocally a top tier sport. She's proven herself as an innovator, unafraid to innovate and change things to drive the sport forward.

"We thought she was the ideal choice for the role. We were looking for bold, decisive leadership and Kate brings that."

Palmer has also been a Trustee of the MCG, chair of the Victorian Institute of Sport and on the ASADA advisory committee.

"...I'm certainly clear on the things that need to be done, and that's unifying the system and making sure we work together collaboratively.

"If [taking this job] inspires other young female leaders to aspire to be either a CEO of a state or national sport organisation, to be on boards or to be CEO of the Australian Sports Commission, I think that's a wonderful thing."